The First Task

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Kaeden's POV

"Kaeden Woods, your powers have been revoked due to illegal resurrection."

We were currently at the Witches' Council, and the jury members had just finished deciding my fate. I looked over at Brooke, who was nodding in agreement.

"There is one way to get them back," The judge continued.

My mouth fell open in shock. "What?"

Brooke gave me a warning look, but the judge just continued calmly. "In order to receive your powers, you must complete a set of three tasks: first, a drop of blood from the Shapeshifting panther Alex. Second, a scale dark as night from the Shapeshifting dragon Tanner. And lastly, a golden feather from the Shapeshifting owl Tristan. You have until dawn to collect those items." I opened my mouth to object, but they disappeared, the words "good luck..." echoing after them.

Brooke teleported us back to the Witches' Lair silently, and that's when I exploded. "Something from each Shapeshifter?! And Tristan's dead! How am I supposed to get something from him? I guess they didn't really think this through," I seethed, and Brooke just gave me a glare.

"Kaeden, they're called the Master Witches for a reason. They did think this through, otherwise they wouldn't have given this task to you." Brooke took a deep breath, as if to calm herself down. "Now, Tristan is alive. I never killed him. He's usually hanging out in the woods behind the cave."

"Okay..then why didn't you tell Tanner and Alex that he wasn't dead? It would've made this whole guilt thing easier for Tanner," I say.

"The whole point was to make them think Tristan was still dead, while he was actually alive. It was kinda a way to teach Tanner a lesson on why you shouldn't kill your own kind or even your own sibling," Brooke explained.

"Alright. So I guess I'll go collect the items the Master Witches wanted me to get." I turned to walk out the door, placing my hand on the doorknob.

"Wait! I just remembered this: you have to get the items in the same order as they said! Otherwise it won't work!" Brooke shouts just before I step out of the office.

"Thanks!" I shout behind me, just to let her know that I had heard her. I vaguely remember the order of which the items were said, but I do know that the one I hate the most was first; Alex. I walked into the supply room, grabbing a syringe. I then crept silently towards her room, praying that she wasn't awake. I waved my hand to open the door, but nothing happened. Then the cold reality hit me as I remembered that I didn't even have powers at the moment.

I opened the door as quietly as I could, but it emitted a loud creaking, causing me to freeze. Alex wasn't anywhere to be seen, though. Closing the door quickly, I ran into her closet, scrunching myself in the corner. And now I wait.


I had just started to drift off when I heard the door opening again. I peeked out of the closet slightly to see Alex slamming the door behind her before collapsing onto her Black Veil Brides bed. "I hate life.." She muttered. Soon her breathing evened out and soft snores emitted from her. I crawled out of my hiding spot and approached Alex's sleeping figure. Pulling out the syringe, I started to shake.

Pull it together, Kaeden. If you screw this up, this could end badly. I mean, you did slam her against a wall, my conscience accused. I shook my head and attempted to stop the shaking. I stuck the needle in her arm (yuck), and drew some blood. I almost yelped when I saw the greyish-black blood pool into the glass of the syringe, I wasn't expecting a different colour of blood. Alex shifted, and I quickly pulled back the syringe. By the time Alex's eyes opened, I was already out the door and bolting down the hall.

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