Kailar - Chapter 6

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Since Kailar had disappeared from earlier, I spent my time in the theater with some of Kailar friends mainly Jeremy, and his twin sister Chloe watching Star Trek movies. After I had lunch I headed back upstairs and took a nap before I was woken by a soft knock outside Kailar's door. I slowly got out of the comfortable bed and header to the door. I opened it to a smiling Nina holding a small box in her hand which stated "Fleur of England" I cocked an eyebrow at the bag but invited her in.

"Oh you wish you knew what was in this box." She teased me laughing.

"Umm. What is it?" I asked leading her into Kailar's room and sitting on a chair beside hers.

She handed me the box as I unwrapped the lace red bow on the black bow before removing the paper, revealing two delicate piece of luxury lingerie. I almost choked on my on spit.

"No. Thank. You." I stated putting it back in the box. "Here, happy birthday or something." I tried giving it back to her.

"No can do you must, Alpha's order." She stated sitting back. "Get her something nice." She imitated in a Kailar like voice. "Then he walked to the garage to the car. I drove all the way into the city to get this and I was with Logan which made it more awkward, so go shoo. Go put it on. The bow goes in the back, and yes I know it's uncomfortable, but it will be off soon enough." She laughed.

"No it will not." I responded

"From what I heard from the kitchen earlier yes it will." I looked in shock.

"It's okay everyone has been heard a time or two." She smiled. "Where is your dress? I want to see it." I got up and when to my bag pulling out a short blue and gold dress in a black dress bag.

"I love it, and will be here to borrow it at a later date." She winked. I responded with a laugh.

"Only for you."

"Now go put the stuff on then I can curly your hair, and makeup." She responded putting the stuff in my arms and pushing me towards the bathroom.

I took my precious time trying to put my stuff on before Nina started hurrying me complaining about the time. Once I was out she hurried me over to the vanity and pulled out my makeup bag and brushes and started heating up the flat iron, and curling wand.

She curled my hair first and pinned them up to set before starting with my makeup she went easy on the foundation but with a Smokey eye, before adding a dark red lipstick. Lastly applying some blush she unpinned my curls letting them fall and brushed them out making waves. I stared at myself admiring her work.

"What would I do without you Nina?" I whispered, and gasped.

"Lol you would be lost." She smiled while I hugged her, right when there was a knock at the door.

"Go." She pushed me as I grabbed my jacket, and purse. I opened the door to see Kailar standing there the same outfit but with a nice dress coat.

"You will always amaze me darling." I smiled and turned back to Nina who looked at her watch.

"You two out, you need to go now before you are late. Now you know the rules, hands to yourself in public, and nothing stupid." She played.

"Thank you Nina." Kailar respond as she winked at me when Kailar started to lead me down another hallway towards an elevator. An elevator! All this time and now he uses it.

It was silent on the way down then he walked me outside towards a black 2015 Ferrari LaFerrari, I slid in as he held the door open before going on the driver's side and turning it on. He held my hand while he drove down the winding pathways of the city before we arrived in the town of his pack. The street lights were now on and there were string lights in every tree down the street. The restaurant was called St. Mark's it was at the end of the street and wasn't crowed much only a few wolves were there. Outside it was blocked off and about 4 wolves were stationed outside as reporters watched as Kailar opened the door for me, and the people waiting to get in bowed in response. He took my hand as I looked down slightly blushing as we walked in.

"Alpha Legett and honor to serve you and the future Luna." Bowed a man around the age of fifty. He had a heavy British accent which was hard to understand.

"Privilege to be server by you tonight Mark." Kailar responded as the man showed us to our table. He lit a candle which was in the middle of the table.

"Richard, dinner please." He snapped at a young man by the kitchen doors who rushed off in a hurry.

Another waiter came out with wine "Our finest, 1787 Chateau Lafite." He opened the bottle and poured us each a glass. He waited as we tasted and approved before walking back to his station.

It was a few minutes until our food came which was Tortellini Della Nonna, it was delicious. Kailar had the same thing. We spent around thirty minutes talking over different subject while we ate. Once we were finished Kailar offered desert. The waiter came back out uncovering a strawberry cheesecake slice, while Kailar settled with a chocolate cake slice. It was as good as the main course but I was caught off guard when the waiter came back with a small platter but never uncovered it, then left. I just stared at Kailar as the waiter closed the blind away from the public, and reporters.

Kailar got up as he towered above me.

"Open the platter." He stated as I did so without question, but startled by a black velvet box outlined in diamonds.

He picked it up and helped me stand up as he got down on one knee.

"Terra-Elizabeth Uta I have not known you very long but I would love to know you a lifetime, would you do me the honor of marring me, and leading my pack to a new era?" Kailar stated looking at me waiting on my reply.

I nodded and managed a whispered "Yes." He smiled as he got up taking out the ring and placing it on my finger. I hugged him as he enveloped me back.

"I love you Terra." He whispered in my ear, then pulled back to kiss me.

"Very much the same." I stated kissing him back. We stayed like that for a minute before he decided we should head back to the pack house.

As we exited there were even more reporters, madly yelling as I got into the car and Kailar started to drive us back home.

Kailar was quick to pick me up bridal style as we made our way into the elevator, before I knew it I was laying on his soft bed with him above me.

"Let me mark you darling." He growled seductively.

I nodded as he kissed me deeply removing my dress which now most likely lay in shreds on the floor, I cried inwardly because it was most expensive next to my ball gown. He kissed me from my stomach up until he made his way up to my neck. There was no warning before he bit down on my neck almost too hard then kissed the mark, as I was sent into a pleasurable darkness.

 There was no warning before he bit down on my neck almost too hard then kissed the mark, as I was sent into a pleasurable darkness

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