Kailar - Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Kailar's POV


Terra was released soon later but didn't feel comfortable being outside our wing of the palace unless she was with her guards or Nina for a short trip outside which rarely happens now since Nina was due soon.

After checking my mother's office there was nothing that I could find but her quarters were of limits until I could get permission to have it searched, thankfully she didn't know about me invading her office.

"Kailar seriously this is ridiculous just go barge in there, I mean how does she even have a say so anymore." Terra groaned sitting on the couch in our living room.

I walked out of the kitchen, and leaned over the couch massaging her shoulders.

"We have no ground we can't request it based on a hunch, and she is still my mother Terra I do have some respect for her until it is no longer." I stated softly.

She sighed gently removing my hands. "I know I'm sorry."

"Just give it time." I responded sitting beside her on the couch.

"You're right" She laid her head on my shoulder.

I smirked "Finally I'm right for once, that I can get used to." She laughed pushing me slightly.

"Only in your dreams."

"Well that's even better because you're all I dream about."

She kissed me softly before grabbing a blanket on the back of the couch and wrapping us both in it.

"It's almost Christmas." She whispered.

"That it is."

"I want to do something, it's lonely here Nathan has been busy with trainings, you're busy with work, the girls are too pregnant and spending time with their mates, Colts been gone for two weeks. This place needs life."

"Would you like to decorate the place for Christmas? I could have some decoration brought in maybe a big tree."

"I like the sound of that maybe we could have a little holiday party just intermediate family."

"That would be nice, mother will probably do another dinner it's a norm here with just the high ranking officials and their families, we put special ornaments on the tree, and she gives gifts to all children that come, it's a tradition."

"It's lovely sounds like were going to be busy."

"Just wait one day it will be your turn." I kissed the top of her head.

"I have a lot of online shopping to do, rather not go out. The other day I went with Nina to pick out baby clothes the reporters were everywhere I hate them they're still caught up on the results of the war and it's the last thing I want to remember at the time." She stated before letting out a yawn.

"That we do, and for the reporters I shall address that, I don't need them to stress you out."

She nodded as I turned on the television and pulled up a Christmas movie that we watched until she fell asleep and I ended up carrying her to bed, before turning in myself.

. . . .

When I woke up Terra was still asleep soundly and I got ready for the day. I left my card on her bedside table with a note telling her I would see her late in the evening.

I made it down to my office where my breakfast was delivered to me and I ate my omelet in piece before starting my day.

It wasn't long until Nathan made his way into my office carrying a stack of papers which must have just arrived.

"Morning Nathan what's on the agenda for today?" I asked leaning back in my leather chair.

He surprisingly had on a nice button up shirt, and tie with his hair neatly groomed.

"To start." he handed me the first file as he took a seat across my desk. "Omegas are requesting a raise of at least 50% for their work, not only will this take effect for our pack, but others as well in which some have agreed and some haven't. Omega wages still stand at $10.00 an hour, and were just increased 5 years ago when it was increased 20% for at least half the packs in just the United States."

"Honestly that is a lot if you ask me." I leaned against my hand "How do most packs view the Omegas work ethics?"

"Some packs are acceptable of their works, others feel like they aren't pulling their weight. Here I know Omegas work in the local daycares, hospitals, and tend to some of the higher ranking wolves who are in support for the wage increase."

I pondered over what he said even the Omegas that worked at the palace put in extra dedication and rewarded for it.

"At the time I know some of the packs financial issues in which some can't afford a 50% increase and honestly in my eyes that is a big leap for just 5 years time. I say increase it $2.00 and over time we shall make a 10% increase after 2 years. It gives packs time to sort out their budget." I responded as I moved the folder to the side so it could be fixed before I signed it.

"Pack Evergreen from the Southern Packs are requesting help for help with housing there are currently 30 people over in their pack house, and are wondering if we could assist in the budget of building homes in which they can't afford. It will cost them $500,000 or so after the families put in their own money. They are willing to pay it back though over time." Nathan sighed passing me the folder.

"We can spare to it send one of our members from the accounting team down to assist them until they can get back on their feet. But send them after the holidays." I signed the paper after writing how much they would payback per year after they were financially stable.

"Of course, and Lastly the investigation with Terra food poisoning has found some information. The cameras outside of the clinic suggest that Alena was kidnapped.."

"How so?" I questioned.

"Footage shows her being picked up in a black truck which look similar to some of the packs vehicle but we can't be for sure we traced some of the cameras around town but after a while we couldn't detect when the truck went. There are currently some men looking for evidence at the last spot she was seen but nothing else for now."

I nodded Terra was right that this was getting nowhere.

I nodded Terra was right that this was getting nowhere

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