Chapter 13 - More Storms

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Chapter 13 - More Storms

            Ford’s light brown hair rustled in the wind as he sat perched on a tall tree. He didn’t have any time to think about how much he missed his friend, who had just moved away, or about school starting the next day. Most kid’s Ford’s age would be excited or anxious to get back to school or they would be excited to see their friends. His eyes narrowed in on a creature a large mountainous beast creeping through the forest. Rotted teeth and ashy skin, a large troll stopped right beneath the branch that Ford was perched on.  The Troll was looking for him.

            Looking down at the creature, Ford focused on it. This was his life now. A year ago, he was with his friend Audrey. They were watching an old time movie together and talking about how they’d always be single. He missed it. Every minute those days grew farther and farther away. The tree shook and it got Ford’s attention. The Troll was trying to shake him out of the tree. Ford jumped and flipped over the troll and moved his hands sending a large gust of wind at the tree pushing it over onto the troll. The wood cracked and crashed down on the creature already weakened from it’s shaking.

            Ford landed gently on the ground and the Troll eyed him then crumbled to rocks, dead. Ford picked up a rock and held it in his hand. It was cold – like ice. He looked up at the starry night sky and yawned. Sliding the rock into his pocket he felt his phone. Removing the phone quickly he noticed that it was already 3am.  He was exhausted and had to wake up in four hours. Jumping from tree to tree, letting the wind carry him, his shadow cast onto the forest floor.  Every now and then the moonlight showed glimpses of wings attached to his body. He had been practicing all summer. If this was his new life, and these were his new powers, he wanted to master them. He wanted to fly. In a way it was a metamorphosis for Ford.


            “Now, I don’t want you all thinking this is some sort of slackers class. Sure, my style of teaching is very lax but that’s because no one has ever failed me. Every single month a paper has been produced.” A bald headed man with a long mustache, smiled at his journalism class. “Now all the seniors know their roles, but you juniors you’ll have to define them.”

            And just like that, the group of seniors stood up and started working. Ford perked to attention. One of the seniors, Chad Reardon, was the editor and chief of the Middleton Grizzly, the school newspaper. He was a hipster if there were was one. A few days beard, thick-rimmed glasses, and a wardrobe completely from Urban Outfitters.

            “Okay team, here is your ‘get out of class pass.’”  He winked at the group and handed out journalism passes. “Use them responsibly. Now, this month is going to be tough because we basically have half a month to teach you and produce a paper. So it’s going to be hectic.”

            “Question,” Nina Gamboa raised her hand.  “How do we go about finding a story? Do you have any tips?” She had her long curly hair dripping down her shoulders.

            “Well,” Chad smirked. “Keep alert. The best stories are closer to home than you might think.” He looked directly at Ford and then held up one of the journalism passes.  “This ones for you Ford.”

            Ford took the pass and eyed his name on it. A simple little thing, one wouldn’t think it had so much authority, only a name on a white laminated card with the word PRESS in giant letters. He slid it into his pocket and looked around the class as everyone received their passes. Nina and he connected eyes and Ford turned away quickly. Awkward, he thought as he walked back to his computer. He missed Audrey.

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