Chapter 9 - Impending Doom

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Chapter 9- Impending Doom

            Ford had spent a good part of the afternoon in Levi’s garage making out with the star athlete. Each kiss felt smoother and softer and it quickly progressed to shirtless kissing and before Ford knew it he felt Levi’s hand in his pants. It felt rushed but needed. Levi was eager, he had been holding back and Ford felt it. Levi wanted this for a long time and his hand shook as he unzipped Ford’s Jeans and pulled them down. Levi looked at the naked torso and then up at Ford.

            “Can I?” Levi asked wanting.

            Suddenly Ford’s stomach dropped and he felt nervous. His first kiss, his first touch, and now his first…he didn’t want to think about everything moving this fast. It was too fast all to become a hidden secret the next day. He had too many secret to keep hidden already and he didn’t want to add another burden to his back. Especially one he wasn’t sure he wanted. 

            “I have to go.” Ford pulled up his pants and then walked to the side door of the garage.

            “Wait, fuck, why?” Levi pulled up his jeans and started after Ford. He grabbed Ford’s hand. “Come on, are you not having fun?”

            “I just have to go.” Ford yanked his hand free and left the garage. He walked across the lawn not looking back but almost positive Levi was staring at him. He got into his car and drove off. Maybe his mom was home now and he could pretend he didn’t see the damage he caused in the kitchen.


            His mother was furious about the house but even angrier with her son coming home with bruises. She shrugged, thinking it normal for her son to be a delinquent, something Nancy was assured her husband didn’t see.  She didn’t comment about it during the day but as Ford went to bed and his parents mused about it behind the closed door of their bedroom. Ford, only in his boxers, sat outside their door listening to them speak.

            “He’s getting in fights Roger,” Nancy stated. “You didn’t see it because you were unconscious but I can’t do this anymore.”

            “Nan, it will be okay. Let’s deal with one thing at a time.”

            “What Roger?  You want to deal with the house? Some things can’t be fixed as easily.”

            Ford gulped and closed his eyes. When did his mother start to hate him so much? He wouldn’t sleep easy tonight; he had to be on guard if that Sage were to return. Tip-toeing back into his bedroom, he sat in his bed. Sure, he had to stay on guard but he couldn’t take his mind of Levi. Ford wasn’t sure why he did that. He was in panic mode; he was tired of waiting for something that would never happen.

            Audrey saw him changing, Ford felt himself changing, his mother saw him changing. Everything felt different.


            “You okay?” Hudson asked Ford the following day in their ceramics class. Since there were not enough spinning wheels each group’s final was divided up amongst the weeks. Ford had nabbed one of the best times to take it, late enough for him to practice but before the actual finals week. So, he could skip this class when it happened.

            The ceramics teacher, Ms. Royce, a former hippy gave the test takers some space to work and went to fill up the kiln which was set off in a back room of the class.

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