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 Sometime in the future….

            Whizzing past the snow, the high-speed train built through the Rockies’ was the fastest way from California to Denver. Chrys looked at the fresh carpets and the pale leather seats. It wasn’t luxury but it was still relatively new. She wrote a paper about the train in elementary school, it was an effort for the United States to stay environmentally friendly.  She remembered her father leaning over her helping correct her three paragraphs of work. Her long golden brown hair fell in curls on her shoulders. She wore a green pea coat and her make-up was put on heavily and she knew her father would probably say something about it.

            The train shook and the screech of metal filled the car. A large jolt threw Chrys to the floor. Chrys clutched one of the seats as the car swung to the sides off the tracks. The wall and glass splintered and cracked as the bottom half of the car tumbled down the mountainside. Chrys hung out of the car dangling over a cliff. Gasping and looking around she saw the jagged mountain edges below her. She looked down and tried to grip the leather seat but her hand was slipping. Letting go she plummeted towards the ground. As wind rushed by her head whipping her hair about all she could do was scream. Suddenly, a boy with wings swooped by and grabbed her.

Present Day

            Ford sat on a rock in the warm summer sun, the school year was almost done and they were about to head into finals week. Levi came and sat down next to him in a tank top, his muscles flexing and hair, now grown out a bit more since winter. Levi threw his arm around Ford pulling his boyfriend in. They were on one of their weekend hikes. The two had made a habit of it and Ford was counting down the weekends where they would stop when they both left for college.

            “I’m going to miss these hikes.” Ford whispered, looking at the Denver skyline.

            “Don’t worry we still have all summer.” Levi smiled and kissed his boyfriend.

            “That’s 12 more….at the most, just…” Ford struggled to get the words out because he was struggling with the emotions of being separated from Levi. “I’m going to UCLA and you’re going to NYU.” Ford started twiddling his thumbs.

            “Don’t worry,” Levi shook his head standing up and rubbing the dust from his hands.

            “Stop telling me not to worry!” Ford shot up. He had wanted to speak with Levi about this ever since the college acceptance letters started rolling in. “Levi, I get it we might not go to the same college but…I can’t, I don’t want to go somewhere without you and I feel like you just want to avoid talking about it.” Ford raised his voice a little bit but he was angry and he wanted Levi to take his emotions seriously.

            “I just don’t see what we can do? I think it’s dumb to sacrifice our education for…” Levi paused.

            “For what? Our Love?” Ford shook his head. “I mean, I guess…but it was our love that saved the world.”

            “Don’t twist my words that’s not what I mean.” Levi argued back. Suddenly the world started to spin and melt together. Ford grabbed Levi and everything spun around. He could never get used to this feeling. It stopped and they were in a small meeting room with metal table with a pitcher of water atop it.

            “What the hell just happened?” Levi asked, looking at the white walls.

            “We went through time,” Ford answered to familiar with the concept.

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