Chapter 23 - Watching You

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Chapter 23 – Watching You

            Rica and Ford leaned over the computer scrolling through the files. On second glance it looked like most of it was still being compiled. “We have to delete this.” Ford said.

            “Slow down,” Rica commented. “I have good news and bad news for you, which do you want first.”

            “Good news.” Ford replied his eyes not leaving the computer screen. By this point he had taken the mouse from Rica and was going through everything. He felt violated and it worried him. There were some pieces in here about Levi too. It seemed that until the samurai attack yesterday, they weren’t sure who the Sage was. It was weird seeing it in writing on such an official document.

            “Okay, first stop obsessing,” Rica took the mouse from Ford who tried to grab it back but she hit his hand. “Why do you want the good news first?”           

            “Cause I really only care about the bad news.”

            “The good news is…turns out Ms. Atwood is as bad a spy as she is a teacher. I mean come on, who would leave their laptop in an unguarded classroom. So, we have the upper hand there.”

            “Well, I don’t think she thought there was a super hacker at this school.” Ford replied.

            “True, and the bad news is…I can’t delete it from here. It’s connected to some super server. Which I can track and we can go all commando on it.” Rica explained hitting a few keys and a file about her popped up. Rica’s eyebrows raised and she looked at the threat level bar on the side. It read low risk and she scoffed.

            “Yes, let’s do that. “ Ford glanced at the screen then back at Rica. “This has articles about my friends, about my family. I can’t put them in danger like this.”

            “Okay, okay,” Rica nodded. “Let’s figure out…what we are dealing with first. Cool? It’s never smart to run in blind.”

            “Rica, I appreciate the help but you really don’t need to get involved in this.”

            “Yeah? And you can hack into computers yourself.” Rica stared at Ford’s blank face then nodded, “Thought so. Whether you like it or not, we are friends now.”


            Ford lay in his bed looking at his notes about his dream. He was trying so hard to put all the pieces together. He had the gist of it, the world was ending, it was horrible. But there was more to it. There were symbols, signs, things that he needed to figure out. Levi lay next to him reading a book for English. Levi shut hit bed and reached over scratching Ford’s back. The jock nuzzled his nose into Ford’s cheek and licked Ford’s neck.

            Ford fell over and laughed as Levi quickly crawled on top of him. “You wanna?” Levi looked Ford in the eyes, hungry and turned on. Ford reached up and kissed Levi but shook his head no. “All right, what’s on your mind?” Levi rocked his him pushing into Ford. They were both fully clothes but the touch and stimulus definitely turned Ford on.

            “I just…” Ford shook his head. Ford couldn’t help but feel watched. He looked out his bedroom window into the darkness. Something was watching him. He didn’t know if there were cameras in his room or what. That file really freaked him out. “Come with me,” Ford slid off his bed and led Levi to the bathroom. He shut the door and turned on the shower. Levi quickly took off his shirt and started to take Ford’s off.

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