Chapter 19 - Sacrifice

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Chapter 19 – Sacrifice

            Roger looked at Nancy and back at Ford. He had clearly just walked into something between his wife and son. Nancy looked at Ford and her mouth dropped open. Ford didn’t know what to say, his mother had just seen the whole fight and there was no way to hide anything.

            “I’m going to prom.” Ford spat out, it was the only thing he could mouth. “With a boy.”

            “What?” Roger looked concerned. “You’re joking.”

            “Nope,” Ford looked at Nancy then back at his father. Sure, he wanted his father’s approval, but that was something he could work out later. “I’m gay dad…and mom. I really like this boy so,”

            “No, Ford.” Roger put his hand up. “Nan, did you know about this? You can’t go to prom with a boy.”

            “Well, what are you going to do?” Ford started. “Lock me in a room? I’m different than other people – and I am proud of who I am.” Ford looked at Nancy, knowing full well what he was saying. “So if you need time to process that is your problem, not mine.”

            Roger looked to Nancy, who shrugged her shoulders. Ford walked out of the kitchen.


            A few weeks past and nothing, it was all quiet on the home front and friend front. Ford didn’t like that Nina wasn’t speaking with him in addition to his mom and dad. The buzz around the high school for prom was growing each day and before Ford knew it, it would be upon them.

            “Come on, you’re not sitting by yourself for lunch.” Levi said urging Ford to come sit with his group during lunch.

            “Levi, these are the guys that beat me up sophomore year.”

            “Yeah, I spoke with them about that.” Levi nudged Ford, “please it would mean a lot to me – these guys are my buds.”

            “Right,” Ford paused. “Do they know that we are boy-” Ford stopped himself. He hoped Levi didn’t catch that. “That we are going to prom together?”

            “Yeah, I told Carter a while back that I liked guys.” Levi rolled his eyes. “He just wanted to make sure that I one, never hook up with him and two, never look at his dick in the locker room.”

            “That sounds like Carter.”

            “I mean, they’re not evil…just…jocks…” Levi lead Ford down into the cafeteria where his friends were sitting. “Which, I am too. So you play nice too.”

            Ford watched and Levi approached the table and Carter punched Levi in the shoulder playfully. Levi motioned back to Ford and Carter looked at him. They both stared each other down for a second then Carter scooted over and patted the seat next to him.


            Ford sat by his pickup in the parking lot. School had ended and he was on the lookout for Levi. He wanted to see him once more before tonight, the big night. Ford picked up his tux by himself and everything seemed so lonely. He hated putting all his feeling on Levi but there was no one else to talk to. He tried texting Nina about the story but it was to no avail. He needed to tell Levi about what was going on.

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