Chapter 17 - Quarrel

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Chapter 17 – Quarrel

            Ford felt like the wind was kicked out of him as he stared across the table at Mr. Lenoir. The history teacher leaned forward. Normally, Ford would be giddy; he would be so excited that Mr. Lenoir was only paying attention to him. But now, he was scared. The handsome history teacher, with one day’s stubble and his hair looked great today. Ford got a whiff of his cologne, but the feeling of lust he used to have was now replaced with disgust.

            “This is very serious Ford.” Mr. Lenoir whispered, his voice stern.

            Ford gulped and tried to remain calm, in a way it hurt more, “If you’re worried.”
            “Heh,” Mr. Lenoir shook his head, “if I am worried? I can lose my job. I don’t expect you to understand all these emotions going on here.”

            “Oh I understand,” Ford felt a lump start to form in his throat. Each of Mr. Lenoir’s words felt like a knife, he had never seen him so angry, so vicious. Ford didn’t even realize it but he felt a teardrop roll down his cheek.

            “Sorry, I didn’t.” Mr. Lenoir shook his head, “Stop.” He whispered as Nina walked to the back and spotted the two. She backed up and walked away, feeling the situation too awkward. “Ford, you’re making a scene.”

            Ford wiped away his tears and reached into his backpack pulling out a tissue and blowing his nose.

            “I didn’t mean to accost you, but – just please Ford, be discreet about this.” Mr. Lenoir’s voice tried to remain calm. He looked and Ford then reached a hand out as if to pat him on the back. Ford edged away. Mr. Lenoir caught this motion and quickly retracted his hand. Standing up, Mr. Lenoir eyed Ford for a second, then without a goodbye walked away.

            A moment later Nina came to the back and sat down across from Ford, quickly pulling out a tissue.  She handed the tissue to Ford and leaned to the side peering through the rows of books watching Mr. Lenoir leave the library. “What was that about?”

            Ford bit his lip and shook his head. He stood up and grabbed his backpack. He swung it around his shoulder and walked out. Ford wanted to put as much distance between Mr. Lenoir and him. Walking out as the first bell rang, Ford walked directly for the woods. Wind whipped around as Ford’s feet started hitting the soft dirt.

            He walked further and further into the woods and sat down dropping his backpack. He fell to the dirt crying and it felt like a good hour before he could sit himself up and brush off the dirt from his shirt. The wind finally died down and he reached into his bag pulling out a brown paper bag. He opened it and pulled out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. In the bag was a small note, ‘love you – mom.’

            Ford wanted to laugh, his whole life seemed to have fallen apart and finally his mom wanted to care. Just then he felt something wrap around his food. Looking down, he saw the green vine. It pulled him quick dragging him on the forest floor and slamming him onto a tree. Leaves came from nowhere, spinning around him and cutting into his skin. Ford was wrapped to the tree as the leaves slowly sliced away. The Forest Sage had found him, and was going in for the kill.

            Another vine wrapped around Ford’s neck and started choking him. He wanted to just let go, for a moment, and then he heard a voice. Consciousness was starting to drift from him.

            “Ford, don’t give up!” The voice shouted.

            “Audrey?” Ford whispered, the last breath in him.

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