Chapter 3 - Catalyst

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Chapter 3 - Catalyst 


            Sitting in the hutch of the living room window Ford eyed the snow pelting the glass of his house. He woke up early that morning and practiced his power – wind. He could control wind. He moved some rocks around and then came inside and made himself hot chocolate. Sitting, and watching the snow drift down. The radio indicated that it would be a snow day, which meant no school.

            A car pulled up in the drive way and Roger got out, still in his work clothes from the previous day. Clicking, Ford watched his father open the front door and creep across the entryway.

            “Dad?” Ford spoke up, “You’re getting home late?”

            Roger looked shocked for a moment; startled that anyone was up this early. “Or rather, I’m getting home early. Long day at the office.” Roger moved over and eyed the snow. “Figured if I put in the work last night I wouldn’t have to trudge through the snow this morning.”

            “I didn’t know jobs worked like that” Ford laughed and finished his hot chocolate.

            “They don’t but I’m calling in sick.” Roger winked and then started into the back hallway.

            “Cool, I have a snow day too.” Ford piped up and got out of the little hitch holding his empty cup.

            Roger smiled and then yawned, “Maybe we should go have a snow ball fight later or something.

            “Yeah I just told Audrey I’d go over to her place for a little bit.” Ford announced.


Audrey’s room was green with glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. She hd world maps and books everywhere. Even the vanity that her mother gave her in the vein hope that Audrey would fall in love with make-up was covered with books.

“You won again!”  Audrey threw her cards down and slid off her bed. “You’re just too good for me Ford.” She moved over to the vanity and sat down in front of it. “So, Kelli Robins is dating Carter.”

            “I’m sure they deserve each other.” Ford chuckled gathering up the playing cards. He looked around for the box to put them in.

            “Me too, but it just makes me wonder – do you think we’ll ever find someone?” Audrey moved some of the books out of the way of the mirror and looked at her reflection. She wasn’t the prettiest girl, more plainly, but her heart was in the right place.

            “I feel like we have more important things to worry about.” Ford picked up the small box and slid all the cards into it. His mind trailed off to Lori and his newfound powers.

            “Like school.” Audrey nodded patting her French book.

            Ford couldn’t help but laugh, “Erm, heh, or family or something.”

            “Is something wrong with your family?” Audrey said concerned.

            “No,” Ford responded tossing the box to Audrey, she fumbled catching it but then did. “But I don’t worry about falling in love with anyone.”

            “Come on Ford, you’ve had to have been in love once,” She put the box of cards back into her desk and when she closed it continued, “not even a crush.”

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