Chapter 1 - As Still as a Statue

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Chapter 1 - As Still as a Statue

Shattered glass poured onto the floor, large round spectacles peered through the window the moonlight reflecting off of the two orbs.  The tile floor had been polished that morning and a cloaked grey figure, only glasses visible through it’s hood seemed to float across the floor towards a Roman statue.  Eying the statue for a moment, the marble figure chipped and aged with time, looked back at the cloaked figure. A slender pale hand emerged from a sleeve of the cloak and reached for the stone.

            “Freeze,” An armed security guard stood near the entrance to the room, his badge reading Denver Natural History Museum. The cloaked figure pointed a finger at the gun and a quick beam of blue light froze it in the guard’s hand. “What the heck!” The guard shook his hand trying to get the gun off. Glancing back up at the statue, he noticed the figure gone.


            “What are you going to do about it huh?” Carter McClusky grunted in a brutish way as he kicked the back of Ford’s seat. Ford flew forward as the bus bumped along into Denver. He hit the seat in front of him and then turned around to look at Carter, captain of the football team. Next to him was Levi, leaner with more of a boyish beauty to him than Carter’s husky meat-headed-ness. Levi laughed too and he egged Carter on.

            “Honestly, you guys are the most archetypical bullies. It’s pathetic.” Audrey, an auburn haired girl with a soft face and a big mouth spoke up. “Honestly, you guys need to find something better to do with your time. Pick up a book.” Audrey moved over and motioned Ford to join her in her sanctuary across the aisle.

            “What if I just pick you up babe.” Carter winked at Audrey.

Ford grabbed his bag and moved. “Wow Carter, Don’t let them pick on you. .”

            Looking back at the two jocks, Ford hated them but there was another feeling too, one of wanting to belong. Audrey curled up with a book about ancient Roman mythology – she was always reading. “I should have stayed home today.” Ford whispered to Audrey.

            “Nonsense, so this new exhibit is from when the Romans were occupying England. Museums are so great, it’s like where knowledge lives ya know.” Audrey paused realizing how nerdy her comment was. She laughed it off as the bus pulled to a stop in front of the Denver Natural History Museum.

            As the class filtered off the buss Levi pushed passed Ford, knocking him into the fresh snow. Audrey helped the boy up and they continued into the museum. The second he could step away from the group he did. Ford went into the restroom and washed his glasses. Splashing warm water onto the frames he gulped back tears. Today felt more brutal than most – maybe because he was in such close proximity to them.

            Returning to the group in a large room, Ford spotted the statue a strange allure brought him to it. The other students started to move on into the connecting room but Ford stayed. Moving up to the statue Ford felt an urge to touch it. Slowly reaching for it is hand was only inches from the statue’s face. It looked at him, begging him, drawing him too it.

            “Where’d you go?” Audrey asked causing Ford to jump, startled. Her bright face was framed by a short haircut. “You know, I worry about you sometimes.” Audrey put her hand on Ford’s cheek then smiled. She turned and continued with the crowd.

            Ford glanced once more at the statue. This time he noticed a crack in it that he hadn’t before. He peaked closer at it and the statue shook and cracked a tiny bit more. Ford leapt back then hurried off to join the group.

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