Chapter 20 - Together

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Chapter 20 - Together


            Ford jumped into the air kicking the giant sphinx like creature into a tree. The stones sat up and opened it’s mouth, a wail and screen filled the forest and a burst of light shot towards Ford. Jumping into the air Ford dodged the light, which left a singed tree behind him. He created a tornado and threw the stone creature into a rock. It looked dead to him, lying in the grass and Ford landed himself next to the beast.

            “You dead?” Ford leaned forward and it swiped him catching his arm and ripping his shirt. Ford back flipped away. He looked above the sphinx at a boulder above it. Focusing his energy Ford created a tornado around the boulder dropping onto the cat. It instantly burst into a hundred gold pieces, dead.

            Ford walked over to the pile of gold and picked up a piece. He looked at his ripped t-shirt, “this was vintage!” He shouted at the pile. His phone buzzed and he picked it up looking at it. “Shit, my Chemistry final!” Ford ran around a nearby tree and grabbed his backpack jumping into the air.


Ford leaned back in the seat feeling the warm summer sun. He had just finished his last final and was ready to just take the rest of the week easy. Most of this other finals were “class parties” or written essays that he had already turned in. He looked at the houses wiz by then over at Levi who drove. Levi was in a neon green tank and some Rayban aviators. He looked so handsome. The two had been hanging out non-stop the month since prom ended.

            “So how was Nina when you saw her?” Levi questioned not taking his eyes off the road. The days had gotten longer with the summer and Ford loved just driving with Levi.

            “Well,  she is back to studying, she will have to take her finals over the summer – but she will be fine.” Ford mentioned and then looked at Levi, “I don’t think she remembers the notes, the affair. At least, she doesn’t act like she does. The doctors said there would be some amnesia.”

            “That’s good – I think.” Levi nodded. He leaned back in his seat and turned onto Ford’s street. “I’ve actually…I’ve wanted to chat with you about something, babe.”

            “Did you just call me babe?” Ford pointed out laughing and playfully punching Levi in the arm.

            Levi pulled to a stop in front of Ford’s house his face red, “I just…when are, I mean…we have been dating for a little bit now, ya know?”

            “Yeah,” Ford knew what was coming and his heart was about to jump out of his chest to say yes. He and Levi had been hinting about being boyfriends for a while now. For all intensive purposes, Ford already felt like they were but they had never made it official.

            “I just wanted to ask if you,” Levi gulped and a vibration filled the car. Instantly both the boys reached for their phones and pulled them out. Levi’s screen was black but Ford’s was buzzing with a picture of a familiar friend.

            “Audrey?” Ford answered. He heard heavy panting and worry in the girl’s voice.

            “Ford, you need to come to Miami quick! There is trouble. I didn’t know who else to call,” Audrey shouted through the phone.




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