Chapter 16 - Pain and Power

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Chapter 16 – Pain and Power

            Ford gasped as Landon lifted his head up and released him from his mouth. The southern stud lay over Ford, propped up by his arms, and stared at him through the darkness.  Ford felt Landon pushing up against him and Ford kissed him. Landon was handsome, that was for certain but something Ford couldn’t get over was that Landon wasn’t Levi.

            “You okay?” Landon pulled back staring at Ford in the darkness. “Do you want to do this?”

            Ford shook his head and rolled over in bed. Landon put his arm around Ford, pulling him in closer and cradling the smaller framed boy until they both fell asleep. As Ford drifted to sleep, his mind kept going back to that first time he kissed Levi in his garage. Then, there was a flash of Levi with their history teacher behind the school and Ford hated the teen. Feeling confused and conflicted Ford fell asleep cradled in Landon’s arms.

            Weak morning sunlight filtered through the curtains and Ford blinked awake. Moving in his bed he noticed it was half empty. Landon had left. Ford pulled on his boxers and threw on a shirt. Stepping out into the kitchen, Nancy was brewing some coffee in her night robe and nodded at Ford as she past him heading back to her room.

            “Hey, you’re up.” Landon moved over to Ford and gave him a peck on his cheek then squeezed his shoulder. Erin noticed this and put her spoon down. Her eyes traced from Ford to Landon then back to her cereal.

            Ford walked over and pulled a bowl out of the cabinet then joined Erin at the table.  “I think it’s really cold outside, did you two bring some sweatshirts?”

            “Yeah,” Landon said joining the two at the small kitchen table.

            Erin spooned some cereal into her mouth. “So you two slept well,” She said avoiding eye contact with Ford and Landon. She was clearly annoyed. “I get that you want to have fun,” Erin directed her comment to Landon. “But we need to keep our head in the game okay.” She stood up and dropped her bowl in the sink. Hurrying out of the room Ford and Landon stared at each other.

            “Did you tell her?” Ford started.          


            It was cold outside, but Ford did not want it to snow, although it was cold enough for it. Ford didn’t really like the snow much anymore. He looked up at the clear sky and zipped up his hoodie. Turning around in the gazebo, he looked at Erin and Landon leaning against the railing. It was a beautiful wooden gazebo in a nearby park. It had always been there as long as Ford could remember. There was a heaviness in the air still lingering from last night.

            “I think we should try and get a motel room.” Erin suggested, “I mean Ford’s mom doesn’t want us to stay there long and…we really don’t know how long it will take to beat this Forest Sage.”

            “Erin, I’m sorry…” Ford began and Erin put up her hand.

            “It’s okay, not your fault.” She quickly said then changed the conversation back, “so that motel room.”

            “There is one nearby here.” Ford avoided eye contact with Landon. He felt awkward. He didn’t want to dismiss Landon, but he also didn’t want to lead the guy on. Landon however, seemed completely fine with the situation..

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