Chapter Three: The Fighting Ring

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"A partner. He's giving me a partner."

I muttered curses under my breath as I stalked out of the doors of the Headmaster's study. It was an insult. In all of the years I had been training to become a knight, I always had worked alone. I flew solo; I liked it that way. I couldn't be slowed down or distracted, and I carried out my tasks easily. Watching my own back was something that I was very good at.

And now I had a partner.

I had tried arguing with Headmaster Terron, but he refused to budge.

I need someone to keep you in check.

His excuse echoed in my head, and just thinking about his words made me snarl in frustration.

All of the fae were going to their rooms, and I shoved through mobs of fluttering wings.

"Can you believe that he talked to me in spell training today?" a caster girl a few years younger than me gossiped to her friends. They all giggled in high pitched voices. I rolled my eyes.

A few feet away, some knight boys were chucking snowballs at one of their instructor's windows, and loud yelling filled the hall as a old faerie in pajamas roared after them, snow covering his beard.


I turned around at the sound of my name to see one of the knights my age, Noel, making his way toward me. He had long hair tied back into a ponytail, showing off his pointed ears.

"Marissa!" he called again, and I stopped, raising an eyebrow at him.


Noel caught his breath and leaned in close to me.

"Everyone's going to the Gathering Tree tonight," he whispered, "Want to come?"

I hesitated for only a moment before glancing around the hall, making sure that no one had overheard us.

"Sure," I replied softly with a sly smile.

I needed a distraction anyway, something to take my mind off of unsettling news and the entitled headmaster.

Noel grinned. "Good, I can bet my money on you in the fights."

At the word fights, my wings bristled with anticipation. Noel disappeared into the crowd again, probably searching for more Final Year faeries to invite.

I made my way back to my room, and I closed my door behind me. I crossed the room and put on my sword sheath, sliding my blade inside. I sat on my bed and waited for the chattering in the halls to cease before I heard the guards begin patrolling.

"Lights out, everyone! Good night!" they hollered, and I switched off my lamplight and lay still on my bed until their footsteps faded.

Moonlight filtered into my room, and I waited what felt like an eternity for midnight to roll around before carefully slipping off of my mattress and creeping towards the window. I gently lifted the latch and the window opened silently, filling my room with cold air and blowing snowflakes. I brushed one off of my nose and hoisted myself onto the windowsill, and I looked down the find the ground far below me. I guess escape problems come with my room's view.

I took a breath and jumped, plunging into the air. I threw my wings open and they flapped furiously as I gained control. I dipped down low so that I had less of a chance of being seen, and I zipped past more guards posted at the gates, unnoticed. The Gathering Tree was behind the academy in the woods, so I banked left and neared the towering pine trees. It felt so good to be leaving the academy behind for a little while as I threw my arms out, catching trailing snowflakes. It was pitch black in the night, and the wind whispered into my ear as I darted into the trees.

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