T H A N K Y O U!

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It's finally complete! After SEVEN MONTHS of writing, this story has come to a close. In case you were wondering how long this book actually is, on Google Drive I realized it was 471 PAGES!

Goddamn. 471 pages. That's probably longer than my life story.

But this book wouldn't be what it is today without some very special people who I would love to acknowledge!

First of all, InfiniteWorlds24 . Your non-stop support, praise, encouragement, and advice you so patiently give are appreciated more than you could even imagine! You're the ultimate reader and editor, who not only catches my spelling errors, but also remains this book's most avid shippage fan girl. Your non-stop belief in #glarissa is undying and fantastic, to the extent of shouting out their name in the middle of class and sending me plenty of threats about what would happen if they didn't end up together. I'm so glad you didn't kill me, friend. ;)

Also, XMarMarX ! If it wasn't for your brilliant mind that conjured some of the most jaw dropping plot twists for my book, my story would have never ended the same. Seriously. Your ideas inspired me to make the climax much more epic, and to delve deeper into the roots of my story. Even though I didn't give Glen a sadistic evil twin, I'm so grateful for your ideas that expanded my plot!

gigi4710 ! I just have to mention you because you are close to one of the BEST people on this entire site that I've ever encountered. You've been reading my stories since the very beginning, even my most cringe-worthy ones, for about two whole years! It's amazing! I'm so grateful to receive your comments and votes, and it's people like you who inspire me to keep going on a writer's journey.

CR-Crimson . The power of having a twin is unbelievable. You've been such an influence in everything I do, with your fierce attitude and determination to work hard at all the things you are passionate about. Even more impressive, you've endured years of listening to my endless rambling and brain storming of ideas, and still remain supportive of me! Give this girl a medal or something.

Truth be told, The Faerie Curses was a story I had unknowingly created as a child. I can still remember that mysterious woods hidden among the rural outskirts of New York, where I ruled with the power of a queen. I battled goblins with the help of mermaids, centaurs, elves and faeries, and climbed branches to escape the evil shadows of the sprites whom had always lurked in my nightmares.

Magic, I thought, was real. Fantastic creatures existed in a world alongside ours, but only those who search for it can roam my realm and see every beautiful thing it had to offer.

But like all children, I found that magic was just fantasy. My parents had to tell me eventually as I grew older that my faeries were just my imagination. And it was also time for us to move away from my woods and across the country.

I left my kingdom. I left all magic behind along with it. Or so I thought.

It took me a while to realize that magic can exist elsewhere, other than in a mysterious woods or your own imagination. It can exist in words. So I wrote, and The Faerie Curses is a realm inspired by the wild imaginations, friends, and fears of a little girl, who deep down, is still inside me.

I still think about that woods. Even years and years later, it still surfaces in my memory. All I can wish for is that there is another child who roams those trees right now, dreaming just like I had once upon a time.

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