Chapter-Thirty Seven: Queen Mab

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Glen and I stood up in unison at the queen's order, and to my complete astonishment, he didn't even tremble before the overpowering presence of Mab. He was smirking.

That's when I knew Glen was probably going to get us killed.

Which for some reason, was why I loved him so much.

Wait, what?

I shook myself out of my stupor to see the lords and ladies above us titter and mock us in their ridiculous outfits, jeering from the stands. My bones flooded with chills.

"Now," Queen Mab's voice occupied the entire throne room as her eyes swept across Glen and I. "Will someone explain to me why there is one fugitive that is not present at this trial?"

Diandre. My veins were flooded with hope and relief. The soldiers must not have found him. He must have escaped with The Summer Scepter.

Behind us, a few guards shifted uncomfortably at the entrance.

"Do not make me repeat myself." The queen threatened in a low hiss, and the men jerked in fear.

"Your...royal highness-" one stammered. "We l-lost the the pursuit of the prince and the knight."

Mab's eyes darkened and flashed like electric currents, and her knuckles whitened as she gripped her throne's armrests.

"You lost the Sprite." Her voice lowered in fury.

The guard whimpered helplessly in response.


In a deafening blast, the solider was tossed into the air and thrown against the crystal walls like a limp rag doll. His head crashed against the crown moldings, and the onlookers cheered as he crumpled to the floor in a motionless heap.

My stomach churned at the sight of the laughing faces of the royals.

Suffering of others. They enjoyed it.

Queen Mab's face was molded into complete tranquility by the time I gazed up at her again. Her features had molded like the smooth waters of a lake. There wasn't a single ripple to be seen.

"If that's what she does to her own solider," Glen snorted, eyeing the moaning guard. "I'd sure love to see what the queen's going to do to us."

Mab's head snapped in his direction, her raven curls drifting in the air. "Is something funny, Prince Glen?" She asked with hardly contained agitation.

Glen smirked up at her, unfazed by the rage sizzling beneath the folds of her diamond gown. "I do find something quite humorous."

"Glen-" I whispered in warning.

He didn't seem to notice my concern. Strolling around the room, Glen met the gaze of every faerie.

"How is it that instead of protecting your realm from a Sprite attack that is forming in your own mountains, you waste your time capturing the fugitives that have done more work than your entire army?" He asked, his green eyes clashing with Mab's sapphire ones.

I winced as the queen's dress rustled against her pale skin. Every move she made sounded like death.

"Now you've done it," I muttered to Glen under my breath as confusion rose from the spectators. "You've got a death wish, don't you, flower boy?"

Queen Mab went very still as she processed his words. There was a weighted silence that gathered in the air, choking us, until she spoke.

"I truly wonder how you can justify what you've done, Prince Glen." She said coldly. "Running off with some knight and creating havoc among both realms? You've murdered your own mother's servants, and caused chaos in Summer Court. The reckless actions of the crown's only heir must be paid for." The queen's face hardened. "You truly are a criminal, your highness." The last words she spat so poisonously, I felt as if I had been stung. "A disgrace to your entire kingdom."

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