Chapter Five: New Task, New Partner

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The hall was an enormous room whose walls were entirely composed of glass, with my reflection staring back at me from every angle.

Suddenly, Headmaster Terron walked out of the shadows of the room.

"Hello, Knight Marissa." He greeted me coldly, his breath coming out in wisps of condensation. I noticed that when he spoke, the mirror beside him fogged up slightly.

I bowed my head, my teeth gnashing together. I faintly fantasized kicking him through the glass.

"I see that you already know who your partner is," the headmaster said, while I studied the hundreds of mirrors of every size and shape.

"Yes, I'm very well aware," I replied. My many reflections were starting to make me dizzy. "I'm just curious about your choice of the Summer Prince."

Headmaster Terron's wrinkled forehead multiplied in creases."Isn't it obvious? The prince is the most powerful faerie in the entire Summer Academy, and you are our best here at our school. This assignment is dangerous and very important. Headmistress Flora and I know that we needed our top faeries for this task."

I tore my gaze away from my reflection. It was making me feel vain, looking at myself for so long.

"I could have taken this on myself, Headmaster," I argued, "And you know that I don't exactly work well with others."

Headmaster Terron gave me a fridgid glare. "I don't care about your petty feuds, Knight Marissa. So you had better learn to be more than a solo act or else you are going to get killed one day."

I bit down a protest. Instead, I noticed that there was an absence of a cocky faerie prince. I raised an eyebrow at the headmaster.

"Isn't Glen supposed to be here?" I asked him.

Before Headmaster Terron could reply, the door was thrown open and in stepped Headmistress Flora. She was dressed in a huge gown made of autumn leaves that blanketed her in orange and gold. I smirked as I noticed that frost was lightly covering her dress as it whispered against the icy floors.

"Good evening, Headmaster Terron!" She greeted the headmaster cheerily, despite the fact that she was shivering uncontrollably. She tossed her shining blonde hair over her shoulders. "I see that your academy is freezing as usual. I guess it reflects your personality." Headmistress Flora broke down into a fit of laughter at her joke, but Headmaster Terron's expression remained placid.

"Very funny, Headmistress Flora. You have quite the sense of humor." he replied, sarcasm dripping in his voice.

Headmistress Flora's gaze suddenly rested on me. I hadn't realized how young she was until her face lit up. She was probably in her late twenties or early thirties.

"Ooh, hello Marissa! I've seen you around at our events, but I haven't had the pleasure of officially meeting you!" she squealed, and I winced as I was swept into a leafy embrace.

"Um, it's very nice to meet you too, Headmistress," I responded, trying to be polite as my ribs were being crushed.

Just then, Glen entered the hall, wearing even more extravagant robes than last time. Leaves were embroidered on the emerald sleeves, and he leaned against his oak staff, eyeing the room. He smirked at me when he saw my discomfort at being hugged. I made a face at him.

Headmaster Terron bowed. "Greetings, Prince Glen."

Glen flashed him a charming smile. "It's nice to see you again, Headmaster Terron. I look forward to working with your academy, and knight Marissa."

"Sure he does," I muttered darkly. Headmistress Flora finally released me, and I gasped, grateful to be able to breathe again.

"This is so exciting!" she gushed," The two schools are finally working together!"

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