Chapter Thirty-Nine: Midsummer Night's Festival

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Glen quirked an eyebrow at the winter queen. "You were in love with Marissa's father? I admire the man a lot more now that I know he turned you down."

"That's why he quit his knighthood at the court," I realized. "Because he loved my mother more than he did you." A triumphant grin broke across my face. "Now I know where all my stubbornness came from. You didn't deserve him, anyway."

"SILENCE!" Queen Mab roared. "I've had enough of you! I want that man to turn in his grave for breaking my heart." Her white fingers clenched into fists. "And what better way to make him suffer than to kill his precious little girl."

"You're not going to come close," Glen challenged her smugly, grasping my hand. "Because it turns out, I have a thing for girls in armor."

"That's the best you've got, flower boy?" I snorted.

Jared rolled his eyes. "You know, I need to give that guy some lessons on flirting. For a prince, he sure lacks style."

Diandre groaned on the floor, rubbing his head. "If anyone tries flirting with Marissa, I'll kill you."

"Is someone jealous?" Glen snickered.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY, YOU FOOLS!" Queen Titania shrieked in warning.

I had just enough time to see raw power surging from Mab's fingertips, streaking straight towards us.

"I hope you join your father in hell." the winter queen whispered as blue, sparkling fingers reached out towards me. I could see the laughing faces of death inside them, beckoning me into their constricting grip.

I shoved Glen out of the way, feeling a stab of relief at seeing him slide across the marble floors and to safety. My eyes then squeezed shut as the power exploded towards me. I could hear it screaming and howling, full of heartbreak and shattered hurt. Mab's magic was like a wild animal, primal and ferocious that lashed out at anything that wounded it. For the smallest of moments, my gut swelled with pity for the queen.

That's when I realized I hadn't been obliterated yet.

One of my eyes slowly cracked open, and my jaw dropped to my feet. It was impossible. Queen Titania was shielding me, her hands splayed outwards. Crackling green fire kept the blue tendrils at bay, forcing them away from me.

I could only gape as Titania let out a powerful cry, thrusting her body forward. Her crown of branches rocked on her head as she seemed to still the entire throne room. Every single person was frozen in place the moment her power touched their bodies, locking each being into complete immobility. I gaped at the astounding sight before me. Even Mab's magic had stopped completely, frozen in time. The blue fingers were still pointed at me but remained unmoving. The winter queen herself stood on the other side of the wall of magic power, her face captured in a guttural scream.

Queen Titania turned around to face me, sweat beading down her forehead. Her breaths were short and ragged.

"You saved me." I whispered in astonishment.

"It's nothing personal, you pathetic little girl." The summer queen replied. Her skirts swirled with the images of forest landscapes. "You're still going to die. I only bought you time."

"Thank you." I told her. I gave her a grateful, wavering smile. My legs were trembling with relief.

"Spare me your sentiment," Titania responded with a flip of her hair. "I only saved your life because no child should be murdered at the hands of a monster."

For the briefest of seconds, I saw an impossible thing in the soul of the summer queen. The soul of a mother. Her eyes were darkened with memories I couldn't see, her mind wandering into reaches of space that I was unable to visit or fathom.

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