Chapter Sixteen: Fear Charm

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"I really didn't want it to end this way, Marissa." The Master said, almost in amusement. "But you leave me no choice."

He brought the dagger down, and my instincts rolled me away like lightning. I sprang into a crouch, preparing to fight again. I peeled the terrible nightmares off of my mind and let them drop to the ground. I tried my hardest not to shake. I wasn't going to go down that easily. But it has all felt so real.

"What was that dirty trick?" I spat at The Master. "I thought sprites had no magic."

The Master held his dagger in the faint light of the cavern, as if envisioning the best way to stab it through my ribs. "Of course I have no magic, Marissa. You should know that. But just because I have no magic does not mean I do not have gifts." His eyes narrowed in cruel slits. "Although I must say, I'm surprised that you could break out of my hold that easily. You've grown stronger."

"Maybe you're just losing your touch." I snapped, swinging my sword at his helmet.

The blade created an echoing clang! and The Master stumbled slightly, distracted. He swung his dagger wildly at me, and I let out a cry as the iron slashed across my leg. I cursed myself for not wearing armor as my skin burned and bled, a vicious cut forming in my flesh. I pressed my hand against my wound. My entire thigh felt as if it had been lit on fire, and I was relieved to see Glen swoop in, his wings beating powerfully behind him. Suspended in air, he extended his oak staff at The Master.

"Now you're asking for it." Glen growled, "This is what happens to people that threaten my kingdom."

Sunlight shot from the tip of his staff, blazing towards The Master.

"Duck!" Glen hollered at me, and I threw myself out of the way just as the sizzling rays exploded against The Master's armor. Sparks flew into the air, embers falling to the ground of the cavern. In a spilt second, I watched The Master's armor shudder slightly before the light bounced off of the iron and zoomed into the cave walls.

"Get down!"

There was a loud crashing sound as the light was deflected into the rock, and chunks of debris flew into the air. I slammed to the ground, holding my hands up to shield my head. Glen was on top of me in a heartbeat. I squinted my eyes open in a stunned silence. His wings were thrown open above him, and his teeth were grating together in an effort to keep them up as rocks pounded against them. He was protecting me.

"Glen!" I called over the sound of falling stone. "What the hell are you doing? You're going to hurt yourself!"

"If you haven't noticed, I'm heroically saving your life," he grunted in reply. "Just try and appreciate it."

An odd stirring swirled in the pit of my stomach, but it was squashed at the sight of The Master looming above us. There were small dents in his armor from Glen's magic, but the iron was still intact. He limped slightly, his iron hands clenching the hilt of his dagger.

"It looks as if you've run out of people to protect you, Marissa," The Master jeered behind his helmet.

"Not quite," snarled a voice, and I looked up in astonishment to see Diandre. He was standing in front of the Master, his eyebrows knitted together in determination. Like lightning, I watched him reach over his shoulder and draw an arrow from his quiver.

Damn, I realized, my shoulder suddenly feeling light. Diandre stole back his quiver from me. And I didn't even notice.

His eyes smoldering, Diandre knocked the arrow and let the bowstring lose with impressive speed. The black arrow zoomed from his bow, streaking towards The Master's chest plate. My eyes widened in awe. Then, just as the arrow was inches from piercing him, The Master caught it in his hand. His iron fingers closed around the shaft, and he snapped it in half. The two pieces of the arrow dropped to the cave floor.

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