Chapter Twenty-Two: The Guardians

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"Next time we decide to knock out a couple knights, we should probably remember that it'll send our colleague falling off a building."

I rolled my eyes at Glen's remark as we flew after Diandre's dropping body. Despite his smile, I could tell that he was still in pain. Magic was continued to leak out of his wounded wing, and it took all of his effort to fly straight.

I cursed as Diandre plummeted faster, nearing the buildings of New York City. He was sleeping peacefully, his eyelids closed as he breathed softly, unaware that I had just seconds to save him. Tumbling in the Empire State Building's shadow, I folded my wings to gain speed. The force of the wind caused the skin on my face to ripple unpleasantly. I was getting closer to Diandre now, and I was aware of the gravity that was sucking him closer to death.

I wasn't going to let that happen.

Setting my jaw, I reached out my arm. I was just a few feet above Diandre, and my fingers inched outwards. I gritted my teeth. We were tumbling between the buildings, and I could plainly see the streets below now. The thought of slamming into the hard concrete was enough to propel me forward one more inch.

"Come on, come on." I seethed, my fingers brushing against Diandre's. Then, with a final burst of energy, my hand closed around his wrist. The jerking force jarred me, sending me snapping upwards. My wings unfurled, springing open, and I pounded them back and forth. I struggled to stop us from falling, and sweat beaded on my forehead as I wrapped my arms around Diandre's.

"I've got you Diandre," I grunted to him. "I've got you."

Then I realized that we weren't slowing down.

"I could use a little help right now!" I screamed to Glen. The buildings were now blurs of gray, and the honking street cabs were just below us. Adrenaline was rushing through me as my wings fought against the pull that threatened to slam us into the ground.

Then, just as we were streaming towards the sidewalk, Glen's arms laced around my waist, catching me. I looked up at him to find his eyebrows narrowed in concentration as his injured wing flapped as hard as it could.

He had stopped us just before we could splatter onto the pavement. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank the dragons."

Glen mustered a strained smile.

"Don't thank them, thank me."

I let out a hoarse laugh, but it was cut off short when Glen's wings suddenly gave out. We crashed against the cement curb in a pile of wings and limbs. Thousands of people walked past us, a kaleidoscope of faces and shoes, not paying much attention. Clearly New Yorkers had seen a hell of a lot stranger things than a couple of faeries with an unconscious body. I wasn't all that surprised.

I groaned to myself as I sat up, trying my best to ignore the throbbing presence of the curse inside my heart. I could feel it lingering inside me, and my hand flew instinctively to my chest, as if it could stop the darkness from spreading.

"Are you alright, Glen?" I asked over the blaring noise of sirens.

"Never been better." Glen moaned in reply. "How's sprite boy?"

"Diandre is still asleep." I reported, my brain urging my muscles to move and my legs to stand.

I was able to drag Diandre further away from the road and towards a street corner. I frowned down at him in concern, lightly shaking his shoulders.

"Wake up," I urged him. "Come on Diandre, wake up."

He stirred slightly, his eyes flickering behind his eyelids, but didn't awaken. I tucked a strand of my silver hair behind my ear in irritation. 

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