Chapter Forty-Two: The Monster Hiding in Skin and Blood

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As I stood in the palace gardens, I could make out the city, glistening with life as creatures cheered and celebrated in the streets. I had once belonged among the gleeful children and the stands of the boastful merchants. I had once skipped past the lamps and lanterns above the roads, my eyes alight with youthful fascination as I circled the bonfires. Maybe a part of me was still down there in that city, stealing sweets from the baker and flying over the rivers with the other children. Maybe a part of me wouldn't be gone when my heart reached its final beat.

I heard the sound of a footfall behind me, and my hand went instinctively to my side as I whipped around. I squinted in the darkness as I prepared to draw my sword out from under my dress. Directly behind me was a gazebo by the lake. Inside, I could make out two people, the only people I had encountered in this garden. My eyebrows furrowed with mild suspicion. I had thought I was alone out here.

Slowly drawing nearer to the mysterious silhouettes, I carefully made sure to linger in the shadows. I was right next to the gazebo now. Holding my breath, I silently leaned inside.

Were they sprites?

I looked closer. Closer. Closer.

My blood pounded with adrenaline as my eyes finally adjusted to the darkness. I got a good look at the figures standing in front of me. On second thought, standing wasn't really the right word. More like: passionately kissing with their faces glued together in front of me. For a moment, my face flushed with mortification. Instead of catching villians, I was spying on a couple. Then I realized that I knew this couple. My eyes widened in recognition as I gazed upon the the only elf taxi driver in New York City. And his boyfriend, who looked an awful lot like...


I hadn't realized that I had spoken aloud until the two guys practically leaped away from each other with matching cries of terror. The two of them nearly tumbled out of the gazebo and into the lake water when they caught sight of me.

Noel's face flamed with embarrassment. "It's...good to see you, Marissa." He stammered with a sheepish smile. His ponytail and slightly tall ears were unmistakable.

"Quit looking so surprised." Jared grinned at me, draping his arm over the knight's shoulder.

I was still gaping at Noel. "Seriously? All this time, and you never told me you were..." I trailed off awkwardly.

"" He finished with a light laugh. "Yeah, well you know how faerie knighthood works. I'd probably be expelled from the academies if anyone found out."

"Damn the Accords," Jared, Noel and I remarked in unison.

After a moment of snorting laughter, Jared patted Noel's shoulder. "We're pretty firm believers in that motto." The elf remarked. "After all, this is the guy that helped Diandre and I sneak into Winter Palace to save you."

"Thank you." I told Noel, offering him a grateful smile.

The knight ran a hand through his hair, uncomfortable with the attention. "There's no need to thank me," he responded. "It's the least I could do after you spared my life back in New York City." His eyes clouded with guilt. "I'm sorry about accusing you like that, Marissa. I had no idea that you and Glen were trying to help, and that my task partner was actually in league with the sprites."

I remembered Lorely's murderer very well.

Noel sighed regretfully. "It wasn't until I recovered her body and found The Dagger of Darkness that I realized what she had done to you." He swallowed hard. "What she had done to your heart. I wish I could have known, I would have stopped her from cursing you if I could."

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