Chapter Twenty-One: Cursed Heart

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I threw myself forward desperately, a scream ripping itself out of me. Noel was frozen beside me, his dark ponytail framing his astonished face.

"I...I killed him." He realized. His hands shook at his sides. "I killed him."

I was already at the edge of the building, peering down at the city thousands of feet below. The night seemed to grow colder, needles of sharp pain stinging my eyes. Above me, Glen slammed into the female knight, sending her sprawling to the floor of the Empire State Building. He swooped in next to me, staring at the vast void of air beyond our feet. His eyes flickered with horror.

"Why can't I see him?" I exclaimed, my voice rising hysterically as I gazed at the empty clouds. "Why can't I see him?"

Glen put a hand on my shoulder, lowering his head.

"Marissa," He said softly. "I'm sorry."

Glen never spoke softly.

I stood still, bitterness enveloping me like a choking smoke. Tears of anguish threatened my eyes.

"I couldn't save him." I whispered. "Why couldn't I have saved him?"

I shouldn't have felt any pain, having watched Diandre fall to his death. A few days ago, I would have thought that it was fitting, him plummeting into the afterlife just like my family had. This was clearly justice slapping the world in the face. Yet it still stung me, making my entire body tremble.

That night in Colorado Diandre had wanted to tell me something. I never found out what it was.

"I'm actually quite touched that you two care about me that much."

I drew away from Glen, my jaw dropping.

In the shadows, almost invisible, Diandre was hanging onto a ledge below us, his legs dangling in the air. He smiled up at us as he held on for dear life.

"Diandre, I hate you." I snapped, although relief was chorusing through me.

Glen slowly let go of me, drawing away. I could still feel his hands, phantom pressure, on my shoulders.

"I honestly don't care much for you, wingless wonder." He remarked to Diandre. "But you need to teach me that trick." He reached down, stretching his arm out for Diandre to grab ahold of.

I was suddenly aware that Noel was behind us, watching. I whirled around, brandishing my sword.

"You almost just murdered your most valuable asset," I mocked him. "Queen Mab will be very impressed."

Noel bared his teeth.

"I'm tired of your chatting, Marissa. I may have been weak back in that witch's apartment, but now I understand. Our friendship means nothing. My duty means more."

I threw my sword straight at him, and it pinned him against the steel spire by his robes. He struggled uselessly, his legs kicking and thrashing with no avail. I turned around just in time to see the female knight struggle to her knees and fire an arrow straight at Glen.

I yelled his name, springing forward, but I wasn't fast enough. The arrow streaked through the night, skimming Glen's wing. He cried out, letting go of Diandre in his agony. Thankfully, Diandre was able to grasp a ledge, catching himself from tumbling thousands of feet to his death. Meanwhile, my eyes rested on the magic that was slowly seeping out of Glen's injured wing. He was gritting his teeth against the pain that seemed to rake his entire body. Faerie wings were fragile, all the fae knew that. They were connected to your soul, that's why it was unimaginable agony to have them cut off.

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