Chapter Seven: A Promise and a Funeral

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The Headmaster's entire frame shuddered and shook with anger or shock or grief, I couldn't tell.

"Headmaster," I said softly. My words froze in my mouth. I wasn't sure what to say, how could I tell him that Glen and I couldn't save one of his own pupils?

Headmaster Terron ran over to Glen, ripping Nicholas away from him.

"He's...he's dead." He murmured, as if he didn't quite believe it. "Nicholas was one of my favorite students." His voice caught when he saw Nicholas' burnt neck.

Headmistress Flora was at his side, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"How did this happen?" She whispered to Glen and I.

"The sprites...their master killed him." Glen explained, his voice exhausted.

There was a vein pulsing on Headmaster Terron's balding head. "You saw the sprites' master?"

I nodded. "Yes sir, he had armor, and it was made of iron. He choked Nicholas, Glen and I tried everything we could to save him, but the burned him alive."

Headmistress Flora gasped.

"Iron. Terron, I thought that was just a myth." She said.

"Its not a myth," The headmaster replied, his wings sagging. "Iron burns the fae, and since the sprites are no longer truly fae, it cannot harm them. It's the perfect weapon against us. Whoever this Master is, he's resourceful. And ruthless."

"Guards!" He barked suddenly, causing Glen and I to jump. Two guards entered the Hall of Mirrors, their faces like stone.

"Yes sir?" They asked. They didn't show any reaction to Nicholas' body.

"Take this young man's body, and alert his family." Headmaster Terron commanded. "Tell them that we would be honored to host his funeral if they wish. And tell them that Nicholas was a brave and loyal the very end."

The guards nodded, smoothly taking Nicholas out of the room as if they had done it many times. I watched as his body disappeared behind the tall doors, struggling to bottle up my emotions.

Headmaster Terron released a deep sigh, massaging his temple. "I told you two just to observe. You disobeyed my orders."

"Headmaster, if we disobeyed your orders, we'd be cowards!" Glen said, suddenly flaring up with outrage. "Did you just expect us to sit there and watch as children got carried away and Nicholas was killed?"

"What good did fighting do you?" The Headmaster suddenly roared. "Did it make any difference at all?"

Glen fell silent, his face burning.

Headmistress Flora broke the tension filled silence.

"Knight Marissa, did you discover how the sprites are stealing their increase in magic?"

"The sprites are getting their magic from the souls of human children." I informed her and the headmaster. "The sprites took them captive somewhere, but Nicholas was killed before he could tell us."

Both the headmaster and headmistress paled simultaneously.

"Dragons above, of all the horrible things those creatures could do, kidnapping children? We have to send a message to Queen Titania at once!" Headmistress Flora gasped.

"And Queen Mab," Headmaster Terron added. "Both queens of Faerie must be alerted. We need to send out parties to hunt The Master down immediately."

You won't find him. I wanted to say, but I held the words inside me.

"I'll go after him." I volunteered, and all three faeries in the room stared at me like I had grown a second pair of wings.

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