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Armin knows then what he has to do. Taking a deep breath, he calls,

"Guardian?" The Female turns its attention back to him, and he can tell it is waiting for him to explain why he had summoned it. With his heartbeat thrumming so loud he can practically feel his body vibrating in tandem, he swallows and continues.  "Please, as you may have already known, there is a fight happening in the forest at this very moment." Armin hopes the giantess can hear the sounds of struggle that had started again. "A friend of mine is a Titan-Shifter, along with the monster he is fighting. As they fight, they continue to destroy the beautiful forest in which you dwell. Please, will you give us your aid, and help Eren drive out the monster he is fighting, so that we may preserve your home further?" The Female drops Mikasa, who grapples her hooks to the nearest tree and stays suspended, keeping a close eye on the Guardian.

Suddenly, the giantess lifts her right index finger, and slowly moves it forward towards Armin. Closing his eyes and bracing himself, he is surprised when he feels a soft pat, pat on his head. Opening his eyes, the blond looks up to see the Female pulling her hand away. Sighing in relief, he calls,

"Mikasa! Go find Eren! The Guardian is on our side for this fight!" Mikasa is already off, worried about her brother. Captain Levi and Commander Erwin land on the same branch as Armin, just as the Guardian turns away from him, and lets out a booming shout, a deep note that echoes throughout the Forest of Giant Trees. She then runs off to where Eren and the other Female Titan are fighting.

"Alright, Cadet Arlert, explain." Sighing, the young blond staggers back slightly, feeling as though his legs would give out.  That was one hell of a gamble, he thinks to himself, smiling as he thinks of its success.  He quickly gives his superiors a brief explanation– about his grandfather, the book, and how he had always known the information since he was little. Levi is silently fuming at the fact that this story was never told to any others.

"Then why the f–"  He's about to yell at Armin for withholding that kind of information, but instead cuts himself off as the Forest around them goes quiet.  The sounds of fighting, which had been ferocious even from a distance, had ceased.

"EREN!" Mikasa's faint call rings through the forest, fraught with desperation and the beginnings of rage. Both Armin and Levi take off at the same time, their anchors digging into the bark of nearby trees as they follow the sound of Mikasa's shout. Levi gets to the distressed girl faster, since he's more agile with the maneuvering gear.

"Report, Cadet Ackerman."

"She– the Female Titan... ate Eren..." A couple tears slide down her checks as she glances in the direction that the monster had fled to.  The girl clenches her fists, an anguished scream building in her throat as she shakily rises to her feet.  Levi can see her intentions to chase after the beast, and readies his own gear, a solemn expression making him appear demonic as he vows to get his charge back.  The two are just about to take off when they hear a sickening crunch.

Crunch-boom. Crash.

Armin arrives on the scene just in time to witness Levi and Mikasa transferring to the tree he rests on as the same Female Titan comes flying back through the clearing.  She sports a clearly broken leg, the muscles barely holding the appendage together as she flies back and crashes into a tree.  She lays prone on the ground, not loving a single muscle for a moment. Her eyes are wide with clear panic as she suddenly attempts to stand up. From the other side of the tree line, appears the Guardian.

The Guardian

What is this, "destroy my forest day"? The Female Titan I just sent flying backwards is balancing on her one good leg after she 'warned' me to not interfere. Obviously, she doesn't know who she's messing with. I feel satisfaction, looking at her balancing act; at the clear fear on her face.  Serves her right.  Glaring at her, I let out another low roar to alert all the animals in the surrounding area to flee.  The surrounding Forest is much quieter than I am used to– just the thought of this creature scaring others into hiding gets my blood boiling.

I saw what the Female had done. She had eaten that boy– Eren if I am correct– and it seems as though she is keeping him alive. But the only place she can keep him alive is in–

Growling, I shoot forward and puncture the Female's stomach with my foot. She can't hold it in anymore, and lets out a scream of pain. I echo it with my own outcry to keep the other Titans away. I rip my foot away and get closer to her, grabbing her by her neck and keeping her upright even as she curls into herself.  While she is roaring, a saliva-covered boy appears on the tip of her tongue, and before she can even think I pluck him from her mouth.  Cradling the boy in my hand, I then step back and tense my build, leading my right foot into a full roundhouse swing.  The hit connects, and the Female is send at least thirty meters away through the Forest from my current spot.

"EREN!" The girl's voice rings through the silence.  In an instant, she's suddenly on my hand beside the boy.  She starts to check him over, fawning over him as I flatten my palm for her to gain easier access to him.

Woah, talk about daring... Since the girl looks so worried, I decide to go back to the tree where the blond boy– Armin?– is. He looks worried too, as I lower the two humans in my palm down to the tree branch.  The shorter man I only caught a glimpse of from earlier is there, too; he seems wary of my presence, but relieved to have his soldier back.  As he should be.

"Mikasa! Is he alright?!"

"Yes." Is the only reply. Huffing and rolling my eyes, I gently pick up the girl and Armin and move them to a higher branch on which the other man is standing. That leaves the unconscious boy in my hand, still unresponsive.  They both protest– especially the girl, Mikasa– but shut up when I growl at them. Taking a deep breath, I gently raise my hand to a level at which I am directly facing the boy. Then, I slowly let my breath out, letting it blow over him. After about five seconds, the saliva starts to disappear, and soon, the boy is laying on the branch, slightly warm even though he rests in the shade.

"Eren?" Mikasa descends once more onto my palm, landing more carefully this time.  I just huff at her boldness, and watch as she kneels to be closer to him.  The girl hugs him, full on sobbing with relief.  The blond looks on in amazement at my feat, and eventually said,

"Thank you." Nodding, I gently lowered a finger to gently press against his chest in my own show if 'you're welcome,' letting a smile take over my face, even though I must've looked creepy as heck.  Human gratitude is... refreshing, after all this time in isolation.

Then, I hear a distant roar. Growling, I turn to face the direction from which the sound came. Time for round two.  I gently deposit the boy onto a branch with the help of the other humans, ensuring they are all safe.  A low rumble builds in my chest, and I feel steam pouring from the corners of my mouth as I prepare for the fight ahead.

You have hurt the humans I have come to like, and destroyed a part of my forest. So you better watch out, because I am becoming angered at your disrespect towards me and my home...

Humanity's Savior (Attack on Titan)Where stories live. Discover now