'First' Impressions

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As Spark walks along the street, thinking about the gem she has just acquired, she lets her thoughts wonder to her Guardian 'job.' Being surrounded by people is definitely making her feel overwhelmed by the amount of language being spoken and liveliness in the air.

I can't believe I actually left the safety of the forest... Was that the right choice? Well, too late to turn back now. As she wanders down the street completely emerged in her thoughts, she bumps into someone hard, making them both fall back.

Ouch! She slowly stands up, rubbing her backside. She looks over to see who she had bumped into, only to see a blond and two others standing behind him that look awfully familiar... Her eyes widened. No way...

"Armin? Are you alright?"

... Armin?

Armin's P.O.V

   After eating lunch, Eren, Mikasa, and I decide to head into town on our day off.  Captain Levi and the Commander thinking things over is why we have the day off– or at least, that's what I think. I did kind of overload them with information, but I'm happy that they're at least taking the time to consider the implications of what they've been told.

   As we're heading through town, Mikasa and Eren begin squabbling, nothing new as Eren is the louder argues between them. I roll my eyes and bury myself in my thoughts– which lead back to the Guardian.  She never showed her eyes... Why?  What was she hiding– something so deep and dark that nobody would be able to handle it?  But maybe she's blind them? The book didn't mention anything about her being disabled in any way though. But perhaps it isn't considered a disability since she can still fight. She didn't even show them to the other Female Titan as a defense, so that must mean–

   "Oof!"  Someone runs into me hard, and I stumble back, hitting the ground.

   "Ouch!"  Eren and Mikada rush to my side. I'm more in shock than anything else, but Mikasa being the mother hen asked,

   "Armin!  Are you alright?"  I shake my head in a 'yes,' and then look up to see the person who had bumped into me.  She is already on her feet, and she looks like she's about to have a heart attack.  She is fidgeting with the hem of her dark cloak, and her hood is pulled back to reveal stunning black hair that falls in her face, covering her eyes.  My own widen when I realize who she looks like. Absolutely not. That can't be possible! But how...?

   "Hey!  Watch where you're going next time, would you!"  Eren's angry voice sounds from beside me, aimed at the girl who now stands still, wrapping her cloak tightly around her. Her body language speaks of a startled deer and I stand completely still as the pieces begin to fall together in my mind. She– she is...

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you." At her soft voice, my head snaps up, and I watch her closely. Is that what her voice sounds like? Now I'm really curious.

"Are you... who I think you are?" My quiet voice calls out, easily reaching the girl who freezes on the spot. She starts to slowly back away, fear quite evident in her body movements. No no, why is she afraid?

"W-well... you see– I....  Bye!" The girl turns and makes a run for it. Mikasa and Eren share a startled look before taking off after her, sensing my apparent distress. I watch them go, completely shocked into stillness for a moment before jumping to follow them. It makes a question flick across my mind.

   'Why did she run?'

Spark's P.O.V

   "W-well... you see– I....  Bye!"  I turn on my heel and ran, yanking my hood up in the process. My heart is already pounding hard and fast as a new surge of adrenaline pumps through me, and it won't slow no matter what do.  It was stupid of me to panic in that situation, especially since I could've just brushed off Armin's question as a mistaken identity. Well, it doesn't help that I look exactly like my Titan form. Crap, I really messed up!  Now they'll be looking for me!  Never mind that, how will I get away from them?  Glancing back over my shoulder, I catch sight of the girl– Mikasa, and the boy Titan-Shifter chasing me.  Eren was his name?

Stop getting distracted, stay focused! Turning back forward, I realize that the streets are the same as they were so long ago, and pray that I know what I'm doing. Taking a hard right into a dark alley, I sprint left and right, staying in the shadows and being as quiet as I can.  Remembering what Farlan had taught me, I eventually calm my heartbeat and even my breathing, increasing my chances of escaping more easily. These also help with quieting my movements, making me nearly completely silent. Eventually, I hear Eren shout,

"Where'd she go?! We can't just lose her, what if that girl was another spy?!" I faintly catch Mikasa's voice telling Eren to call down, and that they should get back to Armin. Then, fading footsteps.

   Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I quickly go in the opposite direction they are heading. But this time, my conscience nags at me in the back of my mind. Deciding to take a chance, I climb up to the rooftops and peer over the edge of one at the end of the street. I see Mikasa, Eren, and Armin slowly walking down the street, probably still cautious from their encounter with me.

I wonder if Armin told them his suspicions about me? If I'm caught now, it'll look even more skeptical... I take extra precautions to keep myself hidden, and luckily, the three don't seem to notice me. Soon, Mikasa and the two boys walk around a corner, and I flop down on the middle of the roof.

   Whew, that was close... but I came way too close to being caught by them, and in order to explore today's society and define its 'worthiness,' I need to stay uncaught. Pull yourself together, Spark! Now is not the time to be messing up! You need to keep attention away from you at all costs, so from now on, avoid those three unless absolutely necessary.  I'm reluctant to stay away from Armin since I feel a natural and unorthodox need to protect the boy, but I fight against the urge. I instead turn my thoughts to where I will stay tonight.  Maybe at an inn?

   After making sure the coast is clear, I leave the safety of the rooftops, and ask for directions to the nearest inn.  It turns out to be pretty close, which I'm thankful for.  Upon reaching it, I look at the sturdy structure– deeming it safe– and enter it.  I manage to dig a little more money than necessary o of the deep reaches of my cloak, beaming at the usefulness the garment has brought me. While I wait for the inn manager to determine the correct amount of change I need, I think about all I had gone through today.  Sighing heavily, I know I'll have to lay low for a while.

   Well, better get some rest...  Once I get my change back, I head up to my temporary room and plop down on the warmth of the bed, slipping my cloak off. I sit for a moment, debating on whether or not to actually rise and get ready to sleep in an actual bed, but opt to not care about anything else.  Not soon after, I fall into a deep sleep.

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