Something Terrible in the Air

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   Something terrible is about to happen.  Spark can feel it in her bones as she stands on the roof of one of the Survey Corps' Headquarters buildings.  Something... sinister is coming, something far worse than any of them imagine.  Despite the fact that Spark is just seventeen human years old, she's experienced much throughout her life– both good and bad.  She is wise beyond her years– even though she doesn't act like it sometimes.  Sighing, she goes to the library to relax for a while and sort out her thoughts.

   "I wonder what will happen."  Despite the fact that the girl's strong feelings about these kinds of things have always been right, she can't stop them from happening– she can only wait and see how she can aid in stopping the chaos that will ensue.

   "Hey Spark, what are you thinking about?"  Armin's voice cuts through the girl's thoughts and she turns towards the blond. Spark's duration here has brought the two closer than the rest, and Armin can tell when the girl has a lot on her mind, and vice versa. Smiling at the boy, Spark waves her hand and says,

"Oh, it's nothing Armin, don't worry about it."  The teen gives her a skeptical look, but goes back to reading anyway, knowing the girl will want to be alone.  And while Spark is having doubts in her mind, so is Armin.

   So, if the Female Titan is really her, then–

   "Hey Armin,"  The blond is snapped out of his thoughts by Spark's voice.


   "What did you think of that Female Titan in the Forest when you first met me?"  Armin freezes for a second, taken off-guard by the question.

   "The... Female Titan?"  Spark nods, her expression unreadable.  The teen is hesitant about sharing his opinion, and thus speaks slowly and unsurely. "Well," Armin starts, looking down, "she had intelligence.  The fact that she may be a Titan-Shifter is undeniable.  She had fighting skills that were well above Eren's, but her strength didn't match his at all.  Despite the fact that what one lacked the other excelled at, the Female Titan has shown that she is attuned to that form, making her more skilled than Eren."  Spark nods, thanking Armin for his explanation before leaving the library.

   Hmm... Armin's explanation seemed surprisingly correct...  But who does it match?  Obviously no one I know so they can't be in the Survey Corps...


   Later on that same day, Armin asks Spark a weird question.

   "Hey Spark?  Can you be 'summoned' without using the sound flares?"  The girl tilts her head and thinks about it.  While I'd love to come to a friend's aid...  She finally shakes her head negatively.

   "I'm sorry Armin, but as the legend states, my Titan Form will only appear at the sound of the tolling bells in the air."  Armin nods, a bit dejectedly, but nonetheless accepts her answer.  He then tells her how Armin, Eren, and Mikasa are going into town.  There are charges being placed against Eren after their last failed Expedition, but it seems as though the three are up to something. Later on, Spark learns that they're going to try and escape town soon, with the help of someone named Annie.  The Guardian in human form has a bad feeling about the 'plan,'– and so, she follows the trio, which brings us up to now.

Spark's P.O.V

   What are they doing?  Armin is talking to a blonde girl that looks strangely familiar in an alley– the one I suspect to be Annie– while Eren and Mikasa wait nearby.  After seemingly agreeing to whatever Armin says, the older blonde walks with Armin, Eren and Mikasa, who were covered in bulging green cloaks.  Hmm...  The four stop at the entrance of a large stairwell that leads underground. The feeling of unease that's settled itself in my stomach begins to twist and grow, and I narrow my eyes as I scan over the four.  Armin's actions certainly are suspicious, but he didn't say anything to me earlier.  What are they doing?  Are they really sneaking out.  My eyes can't help but be drawn to Annie, and the hair on the back of my neck practically stands on end.  I have a bad feeling about this...

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