Hidden Identities

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   Insane laughter fills the air.  Eren, Armin, and even Mikasa look up at the blonde in shock as her face turns pink while she laughs. Spark watches with wide eyes, her jaw practically on the brick beneath her.

   "Armin... I'm glad I was a good person to you.  For now, your gamble payed off.  But.... 

My gamble... begins here!"  As she raises her finger to her mouth with a maniac grin on her face, Armin panics.  Raising the flare gun and pointing it upwards, he quickly fires a short, low frequency sound flare.  The sound is amplified by the tunnel he's in, reverberating off the brick walls and echoing up into the open space. Spark winces, the sound heating on her ears and she feels a prick of sympathy for the three in the tunnel who had to endure the horrid sound. As soon as the shot rings through the air, Annie freezes as people jump off the rooftops and out from behind barrels, rushing forward.  Grabbing her arms, the men begin to restrain her, throwing a cloth around her head securely to keep her from biting her finger.  Eren moves forward out of instinct, preparing to help Annie.

   "Eren."  Mikasa holds up her hand, halting Eren in his tracks.  However, she notices something strange... Annie's ring on her right index finger didn't have a spike on it before, did it?  Eyes widening, Mikasa realizes the blonde's intention, whirls around looking like a madwoman. She grabs both Eren and Armin by their hoods, fleeing down the steps deeper underground. Please, let us make it away! Armin's surprised voice calls out,

   "Mikasa?!"  She ignores him and continues to race down the steps, desperately trying to get away from Annie before–

   "Too late..."

   Boom!  Crash!

  A loud explosion shakes the earth.  All the men surrounding Annie are thrown upward as a blast of yellow lightening shoots down, striking the blonde.  Those near her practically lose their hearing from the ringing of the explosion. Mikasa, Eren, and Armin are thrown down the last of the steps.  The people of the town look on in horror at the scene before them, terror and panic seizing them as a Titan rises in the midst of their city. Spark, having had to take cover from the explosion, grits her fists, staring up at the monster amongst them.

Annie has transformed into the Female Titan.

Spark's P.O.V

   So she really is the Female Titan...  I look on in anger at the newly-transformed Titan standing before me. She looks like she did the time she had been attacking my home. Her transformation only means she's on her last leg– she's desperate, I realize, and willing to throw away whatever advantage she had before to escape. Anger bubbles in my stomach as I watch her. She bends over and reaches deep into the underground passage, trying to get to Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. So... she still has the intention to capture Eren, huh? Well, not on my watch! I raise my hand up, preparing to slam it down on the ground and draw blood as red coats my vision. I'm drawn to stop when I suddenly remember what I had said to Armin.


"What did you think of that Female Titan in the Forest when you first met me?" Armin freezes for a second, taken off-guard by my question.

"The... Female Titan?" I nod, my expression unreadable. The teen is hesitant about sharing his opinion, and thus speaks slowly and unsurely.  "Well," Armin starts, looking down, "she had intelligence. The fact that she may be a Titan-Shifter is undeniable. She had fighting skills that were well above Eren's, but her strength didn't match his at all. Despite the fact that what one lacked the other excelled at, the Female Titan has shown that she is attuned to that form, making her more skilled than Eren." I nod, thanking Armin for his explanation before rising and leaving the library.

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