The Fatal Mistake

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   The Guardian is furious that Annie would make an attempt on her weakness.  That's probably what brought the fight up to now.

   The two Females are locked in combat, fists and feet flying as one tries to get the upper hand.  That opportunity comes when Annie slips up.  Taking the chance, Spark takes control by pushing Annie back and sending her crashing into another building.  The Guardian thinks she was down for good, only seeing dust and smoke rise into the air.  She wants to let herself replace, but is glad she doesn't when a chuck of stone wall comes flying at her.

   What the he– Spark is forced to dodge another chunk of cement that comes flying from the dust where Annie had previously been thrown. With a loud crash, it lands a little ways behind Spark, making a giant indent in the ground. I really hope everyone is evacuated...  When another cement-ball hurls towards her, the Guardian digs her feet into the brick beneath her heels and catches it.  The action takes a lot of effort and every ounce of her strength, but she manages and decides to throw it blindly back into the dust.  It makes a satisfying crunch as it hits its mark, and Spark roars in triumph as she hears Annie's scream of pain.

   "Hey, kid get out of here!"  The Guardian's celebration is cut short as she turns to spot a kid who can't have been more than ten staring up at her from the middle of the street.  A Military Police officer has swung the kid over his shoulder in order to drag him away from the fight between the Female Titan and Spark.  The latter recognizes the Military Police man instantly.

   Farlan?!  Since Spark can't speak in her Titan form, she watched helplessly as he continues to run, avoiding the chunks of rock in the street.  He weaves this way and that, putting a fair amount of distance between him and the Titans fighting in the streets.  I have to make sure Annie doesn't hit him!  Turning back around, the Guardian narrows her eyes and allows her senses to expand, focusing every one of them on the enemy.  Annie is now getting up, visible through the clearing debris.  Glaring, the blonde throws a smaller piece of rock at the Guardian this time, and watches as Spark simply catches it and throws it back, trying to hit her again.  In a way, it's like a game of catch, except as each catch and throw the rocks and cement, they study the other's movements.  Spark is tense and all-forward with her movements.

   All too soon, Annie notices the Guardian's movements as the latter moves to block the street behind her.  Grabbing a chunk of cement, Annie charges Spark, and the Guardian falls for the trap.  Preparing for impact, the Guardian is surprised when Annie dodges to the side, quickly spotting the fleeing forms of two males.  Spark's eyes widen in realization of what Annie will do.  Time seems to slow as the Titan reaches out to grab at Annie, anything to stop her from doing what she is aiming to do.

   NO–! But it's too late.  The rock has already left Annie's hand, and is soaring through the air.


Looking back, Farlan instantly spots the projectile heading straight towards him and the boy. Using the last of his strength, he throws the boy to the side, out of the way of danger.

Then, he feels a split second of pain before everything fades to black.


The Guardian watches as Farlan throws the boy to the side. Please– Then, the rock makes contact. The Military Police officer is immediately crushed– leaving the scene a bloody mess. Her mouth falls open as she watched her friend– temporary brother, for a while– lose his life. Spark's mind is in utter and complete shock.

Eren chooses this moment to charge in and shoulder-check Annie away from her.

   The male Titan sets a hand on her shoulder, leaning forward so he can enter her peripheral vision.  He releases a soft growl, silently questioning what was wrong, but Spark can barely tell he is there.  Everything is so far away– like it's underwater, a mile away. Spark walks away from both Eren and Annie, heading for the sight of the disaster.

Spark's P.O.V

Farlan...? I kneel down next to the boulder, gently picking it up before setting it aside. A lone tear escapes my eye as I stare down at what had once been Farlan.

The bottom half of his body is still intact, along with half his upper torso. His legs are twisted, the heat around his waist entangled with his body.  The spine of his torso is mangled, having been clipped by the boulder.  His shoulders, neck, and head are no longer recognizable, they are just... a smear. Just blood and exposed bones.



It coats the boulder, and the area on the ground where he had been flattened.  Bright red, still spreading over the road as the body drains itself.

Blood. That is all there is.  I stare down at it, my face impassive.

"Oi, brat!" I turn my head slightly to see Levi standing on a building to my left with the kid right next to him. "You were so attached to that Farlan guy?" My eyes widen underneath my bangs. "Well, I knew the Farlan you were looking for. In a sense, he was my brother, too. Now listen up, brat, because I'm only going to tell you this once. Farlan was killed years ago." My heart stops.  A new wave of sadness chokes my lungs.

He can't possibly be talking about my Farlan... can he?

"We were on an expedition outside the walls– he along with Isabel were killed by Titans when I left them, blinded by my own arrogance. I see the same thing happened here. Take your anger and use it for him.  Avenge them both, while you still can." My mind is fogged by what Levi has just told me. He had remained completely impassive when talking Farlan and Isabel, but that is telling in and of itself.  I keep my gaze on him, noticing how he is almost too emotionless.  So that's it... he cared about them so much he must pull a curtain over his emotions when talking about them.  So... it's true? My eyes fill with more tears as I look at Levi.

"So go and get revenge for their deaths." His encouragement is subtle, but there nonetheless.  In a single moment, my sadness morphs to anger.  It clogs my senses, fills my core and tints my vision in red.  This feeling of rage is what ultimately makes me stand slowly. Annie– and all Titans, really– deserve to be wiped out. Annihilated. I smile at Levi, and motion for him to evacuate the boy. He remains still, watching me closely as I stare at him.  He nods once in affirmation before he zooms off on his 3DMG, and it is now that the sounds of the battle become more evident to me. Eren hasn't completely lost himself, making me chuckle to myself in gratitude.  I stand up, and raise my face to the blue sky above.

Then, I turn around, walking slowly towards Eren and Annie. Eren's veins are more evident, as if they are made of fire coursing through his blood. His eyes shine a bright teal– and he remains on all fours as he attacks Annie, basically throwing her around like a rag doll.

   As if sensing my approach, Eren suddenly backs off, steaming from his mouth.  I don't even look at him, my entire being vibrating with anger directed at the Female Titan.  I can thank Eren late.  For now– eradication.


   She killed Farlan.


   She hurt my friends.

Put to death.

   She caused many people pain.

All sorts of thoughts run through my head as I step forward, facing Annie in a relaxed stance. I let the thoughts run their course, feeling them rolling through my mind with a detached feeling of observation.  Annie frowns at me, her body steaming from Eren's onslaught.  I open my mouth, allowing steam to huff from the corners of my lips.  The decision to destroy her isn't sudden– it's been a possibility in my mind ever since the beginning of the fight.  I've just decided to make my victory assured.

   I reach up with my dominant hand and brush my bangs out of my face, keeping my eyes closed. As if by my force of will, the smaller strands of hair remain smoothed down to the top of my head when I run my hand over them.
I think about how Farlan is dead. My Farlan– as well as my newest brother.

   How Annie has killed countless Survey Corps members.
   How Annie has caused so much destruction and chaos.

Then, I open my eyes.

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