The Truth

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Armin's P.O.V

   My mind is still on the Guardian.  It amazes me how powerful she is, and that she can write and understand our language even in her Titan form!  Although... the Captain did seem very upset earlier....

   "Open the gates!"  Commander Erwin's loud voice snaps me out of my thoughts, followed quickly by the grinding sound of chains being cranked to lift the gate that leads into Wall Rose.  As the soldiers slow their horses to a walk, I decide to pull up beside the carriage Eren is lying in, and see that he's awake.  The arm lying across his face tells me he wants to be alone at the moment, though, so I merely ride in silence.

We arrive at the base after roughly an hour and dismount, stretching our tired limbs– legs especially. I pet my horse affectionally on the cheek, whispering to her about how well she did.  I smile as she's lead away to the stables, lifting both my arms above my head and stretching them thoroughly.  It's no secret I'm not in the best physical condition, but the three years of training really helped in that aspect.  I love horseback riding, and I don't complain at all so I've been getting better.  I'm just thinking about relaxing and reading a book when a sharp voice cuts through my thoughts.

"Cadet Arlert! Report to Erwin's office!" Oh, no. I forgot about the interrogation...  "NOW! Cadet Arlert!" I scramble to gather my things and run them to my room before hurrying to Erwin's office, my heart thudding as I think about how angry Captain Levi looked when I told him I've known the information all along.  All too soon, I'm standing in front of the office door that leads to Commander Erwin's office.

   Knocking twice, I state my name and business before entering the office.  It's now or never...


   As soon as Armin enters the office, his stomach drops at how many people are there.  Erwin and Levi are obviously there, but also cramped into the office are Mikasa, Eren, and Hanji.  Why are they here?  The question briefly runs through his head before Erwin motions for him to sit, which he does in between Eren and Mikasa.

   "Cadet Arlert... explain."  The young blond knows what the Commander is talking about, but he doesn't know how much Erwin wants to know.  He swallows nervously as he fixes his gaze firmly on a point over the Commander's left shoulder.

   "About... what Commander?"  Armin's voice grows smaller with each word, and Erwin's eyes become colder with each passing second.  Okay, maybe that was the wrong thing to ask–

   "Everything, and in more detail than before."


   "Yes, Cadet Arlert."  Levi finally cuts in, annoyance clear in his voice.  Armin gazes down at the floor like it is suddenly the most interesting thing in the world, his bangs hanging over his eyes.  He doesn't understand the trepidation that weighs on his chest– the Guardian openly revealed herself to the Scouts, and made it clear she's an ally.  Maybe... it has something to do with how long I've known about her?  And that was exactly it.  Armin has known the Guardian's story for years; it's always been his dream to meet an actual Titan that's on Humanity's side.  The magic of it was slightly diminished with Eren's revelation about his abilities, but Armin is still left reeling just with the chance at meeting the Guardian.  The fear he feels in his chest makes him nervous because it feels like he's sharing something he swore to never tell.  He steadies himself with a breath.

   "First, I want to make it clear that the Guardian is an ally.  Firmly on our side."  The blond begins, giving in to his need to defend the Guardian even thought she didn't really need it.  "If the Military Police found out about her, I fear what they would do to ensure she will never turn on Humanity."  Armin finishes, sweat beading on his brow as he stares firmly into Erwin's eyes.  The office descends into quiet as the two blond's have a stare-off, and Armin nods when he sees something he's satisfied with.  "When I was around four years old, my grandfather told me a story... a story that was about something– or now, someone– called the Guardian.  The story fascinated me, and the next year, he gave me a very old book that was about the very same subject.  He told me that everything in the book was true, and since he was very wise, I decided to promise that I would believe it.  The book held everything there was to know about the Guardian."

   Armin can tell that everyone is solely focused on him, so he continues with more confidence this time, though he keeps his eyes on the floor.  "It didn't state that it was a Titan, but it did say things like the fact that she appeared differently to everyone, and how to summon her."  He can literally feel Levi's glare boring into him.  "In order to summon her, four people need to be standing on the exact points that lead North, East, South, and West, and fire sound flares.  These sound flares need to be fired in quick succession, and need to produce a ringing sound– like bells.  If the sound is not right, it would produce a screeching sound that would p-probably make the ones who fired the flares deaf."

   Everyone recalls how the sound that the four flares produced was a beautiful tolling sound.  Armin soldiers on, now lost in his memories.  "And the last thing the book stated was, "If you are to summon the Guardian, be wary of its power, for you must have an important matter regarding the forest in order for you to gain it's aid... and if you don't, then may death welcome you as the Guardian's wrath descends upon all who have foolishly summoned it...." 

   As Armin remembers the warning, he also says why he didn't ever share the information with anyone other than Eren and Mikasa.  "It was a huge gamble, one that had a fifty-fifty chance of paying off.  I didn't share this with anyone because I believed someone would have been foolish enough to summon her for their own reasons..."  Armin finally looks up, and gazes at Erwin and Levi across from the desk,

   "And the Guardian would have killed us all."


   Sorry if there's any OOCness, I'm not too good at the 'capturing different character attitudes' department.  In any case, I hope you enjoy!  If you guys see any glaring grammar errors don't hesitate to point them out, too.


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