Friendship Never Truly Dies

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   After another case in court, the Survey Corps gain custody of Annie Leonhardt and the Guardian, who are both currently immortalized in crystallized-diamond.  Annie is kept chained deep underground, guarded around the clock by at least two Survey Corps members.  Spark, however, is kept above ground in a separated room, open to all the members in the Survey Corps to visit whenever they please.  The most frequent visitors, however, are Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Hanji, and Levi, along with some other 104th Cadet members.

Every day, Armin, Eren, and Mikasa will enter the room alone and talk to her as if she is still there, sitting right beside them, listening.

As the days fly by, many of the Recon Corps members' visits grow few and far between, until most rarely visit Spark. She lives on as more of a concept, or an ideal to most.  One day on a chilly winter morning, Armin enters the room alone. He walks right up to Spark and sets his hand on the crystal, parallel to where her hand rests, suspended in the crystal.

"Hey, Spark.  It's been a while since anyone visited you. I still remember what you said to me the day you were trapped in this crystallized-shell. So that's your real name, huh? I'm glad you trusted me with it. It's good to know we're true friends to the end– even if you're stuck in here for a while, I know you'll get out eventually. Well, I guess I'll come by again soon with Eren and Mikasa.  So hang in there, alright?"  He smiles.  "See you later."

As the generations pass, the Legend of the Guardian never dies, nor do the stories of her connections with her three best friends– Armin, Eren, and (eventually) Mikasa. The people come up with another title for Spark– to always immortalize her deeds to humanity.

"Yes, you truly do deserve the title that has been given you, Spark. You are...

Humanity's Savior."

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