Wounds to the heart!

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Maasi is impressed with both of them. She says that I have chosen the best combination of friends, one is polite but firm and the other is fun loving as well as responsible. Today's evening went perfect!

Raj was looking very smart in formals, he kept staring at me during the dinner and so did I.

'Its an amazing feeling, when you look up at the person you want to stare and he is already staring at you.'

Oh my God! I am going crazy.! Anyway, the next target now is - The Freshers Party!

I'm ready to pack another load of beautiful memories with my buddies! Cheers to them!



"Don't you remember, I told you that I had to tell you something?" Raj asked me today.

Frankly, it had totally slipped away from my mind that Raj was supposed to tell me something on Maasi's birthday! But today he reminded me and yes, it made me curious.

He insisted on telling me later when all the three of us would be together and now that Amu is out of town, he will tell me once she is back!

Anyway, I'm planning to tell Raj about my feelings tommorow, at the Fresher's Party.

I am afraid of rejection but I know Raj will never break my heart!


I finally said it!!

We were in the science lab, fetching some of the remaining notes for the upcoming science exhibition when I said that I wanted to tell him something. He turned towards me like Mr. Serious and folded his arms.

It was the first time that I noticed his bluish brown eyes, rare combination right!? I was nervous and terrified. He sensed it as usual.

"Anything wrong!?" He asked.

"Well, Raj. Nowadays I am getting this new sort of feeling. Its strange and it doesn't let me sleep or eat." I had memorised this line from the Internet. It was so not me, but I couldn't find any other way.

He must have been sure by then that I had gone mad and so he took me by my shoulders and made me sit on a desk. That added to my nervousness. He smiled at me, his typical mischievous smile. We sat inches away.

"Look, I cannot remember the next line so I am just going to say it and you'll have to listen." I said instantly and bit my lower lip.

He knew my habit of biting my lower lip whenever I became extremely nervous.

"What is it Megha?" He asked and looked at me with his innocent eyes, oh my god I had surely fallen for them.

"I love you!" I said softly.

He looked at me, stunned!!! I had lost all my hope by then. He should have been surprised but instead he was stunned. Why!???

I got up to leave when he pulled me down by my wrist.

"Me too!" he said.

THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!! I shouted in my mind. I was so happy, I got my wish, I earned a best friend for life. I love him so much.

And after that, we hugged. That hug seemed to be our unbreakable promise of never leaving each other.

The Freshers' Party went really well, afterall I had my soulmate by my side.

Tears were shedded, smiles exchanged and love had flourished throughout the evening.!

Thank you God, thank you for everything.

I can't wait to tell Amika.... Come back soon babe!!


Ah! These term exams. Don't let us sleep at all. And the only advantage that has to be taken after the last paper is to sleep for the rest of the day, and that's what I did today.

Anyway, the important thing is that Raj has arranged our 'first date' tommorow. I am very excited, as well as nervous because I don't know what I am supposed to wear or what am I supposed to speak. But afterall its Raj, and he knows me. Definately, if he is around, nothing will go wrong.

Also, Amika is coming back next week. I am really very eager to break this news with her. Although I need her right now!


Until today, I always thought that when a girl and a boy go for a date, there is a mouth-watering meal sponsored by the boy, two candles, miserably boring romantic talks and meaningless staring. But mine wasn't even a bit of that.

A successful relationship is always that one in which both can still be friends rather than lovers. I liked that because nothing has changed our friendship, except for the time we spend thinking about each other.

Instead of a calm and isolated place, he took me to the chaat stall, it was noisy but still amazing. The cost of the dish doesn't matter, its the taste which lingers on the last bite that matters.(We both shared the bill, 50-50). Then we bought balloons, it was childish but cute. Lastly he gifted me something really wierd - they were three leaves of different colors.
One was fleshy green, second was yellowish green and third was pale yellow. I was confused and rather clueless about what he meant by those leaves.

"These leaves have the power to get our relation through any problem!" he said and winked.

He held the green one and said - "If I ever cheat on you, which I swear I won't ever, give this green leaf to me and I'll accept any punishment you give me!"

I smiled, he was the most unique boy I'd ever met.

He then held the yellowish green leaf and said- "If you ever feel that I am hiding anything from you then give me this leaf and I'll have to tell you the truth."

And lastly he brought up the pale yellow leaf and said- "If I ever leave you or break up, you give me this leaf and make me realise and recall what you mean to me."

He then held my hands and said- "I love you and I promise I will never hurt you. Always remember that when you smile, I'll smile and when you cry, there will always be another pair of eyes shedding tears with yours."

It was the best day of my life, and he is worth my love.


Amika is coming tommorow and Raj is forcing that we both meet her and tell her together, because afterall we are inseparable trio!

We meet at her place tommorow, I hope that everything goes as planned.


Devastated, betrayed, furious, heart broken, smashed, I don't know what to feel right now.

Cheater, Raj is the most terrible person and an awfully well actor. All these days, I believed that he was in love with me, but today he confirmed that it was nothing but 'fun' for him. What an idiot am I?

It's true, no one is loyal to me. I can never have friends. And its better to be a loner than have betraying friends like Amika and Raj.

Today when I went to Amika's place, I saw my worst dream come true. My love cheated on me, my best friend betrayed me. Who can be so cruel!?

Why did they do that!? Why didn't they think that it would hurt me? Why?

My happiness, my dreams, my love and my trust was shattered in a single moment when my eyes witnessed their lips locked!

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