A new end? Or an Old start?

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"Hi, I'm Rohit Verma." Rohit introduced himself to Neha.

"Pleasure sir, please come in." Neha formally invited him.

We'd reached Delhi that morning. Mentally, I was exhausted, my mind wasn't able to keep a track of my actions. The land beneath me was changing frequently but nevertheless my curiosity rested peacefully as far as I fed it well with all the untangled mystery.

I climbed behind Rohit and Neha's frown welcomed me.

I tried to enact out my cutest puppy face but she said - "That won't work on me!"

She crossed her arms and turned her back at me to exhibit her childish attitude. "I'm sorry Neha," I said and opened my arms.

"Ow..!" We ended up in a friendly long hug.

Hush! It wasn't that difficult.


"Pity.! So whose this girl?" Neha asked over her second cup of coffee and raised her eye brow.

I had just finished narrating my whole discovery of 'the diary girl' and her life, wiping off the 'names' from it.

Neha eyed me for an answer whereas I kept whirling my cup of black tea.

"My sister!" Rohit admitted.

There it was again, the painful and guilty confession.

Neha skipped blinking for a few seconds, it was her way of digesting a shocking news.

"I won't blame you if you call me a cruel brother, I deserve it." He said.

I closed my eyes and my hand found its way to reach his from under the table.

"Oh my God.. I don't believe it.. This is news." Neha exclaimed.

I stared at Rohit, he gave me an agreeing look so I fished out my new mobile and opened the gallery.

"Neha, how do you know this girl?" I asked her and showed her the screen of my cell to identify the picture.

"Oh she's my roommate, I mean was.!" Neha said.

But before I could continue she spoke - "Wait a second, do you mean.....-"

"Her name is Megha?" I asked.

"Verma, yes. Oh my God, Megha? My Megha Di? How can she...? Oh my goodness, help me!" Neha muttered and covered her face with her palms.

"We have to meet her, please?" I asked her.

"How can she be this girl? She's so sweet so gentle so humble. Oh my God, Not my Di... Is she really? I mean are you guys sure." Neha was still stuck in the shock, she totally overruled my question.

That moment I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, it was Rohit's. I turned to him and he whispered - "Now is not the time."

I just nodded.


Leaving Neha back in the apartment I and Rohit decided to take a walk. It was nearing six and Delhi had acquired a purple blue shade.

"She's really upset, I hadn't expected this. I mean she locked herself in her room, didn't have lunch nor evening tea. I don't understand." I said.

"Miss, you're smart enough. Imagine, you've only lived Megha's story through some pieces of her writings yet you hold such a strong emotional bond with her, so how would Neha be feeling right now, when she's been with Megha, lived with her and shared beautiful moments with her. Maybe she wasn't aware about any of this stuff." Rohit made sense. I hadn't looked at it that way.

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