Sour Goodbyes!

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"I followed her, tried to call her, reach out to her in every possible way. But she had decided not to hear me out. Amika told me to give her space, so I backed out for a while. That again was a terrible time, I wished I had never lived that. Suddenly we got the news about Megha's Maasi's accident. She was her only family, Megha used to say that she was just like her mother, she was her world, her only family, her inspiration and she owed her everything.

I knew she was devastated, my angel was hurt, she was punished yet again. Her family was taken away, again." Raj paused.

The grip on my hand suddenly disappeared. Rohit had red eyes, he went pale. I grabbed his hand again, I wasn't going to retreat my support. It was the only way I could have comforted him.

"Megha's last words to me still echo in my head, 'never show me your face again' I remember that trembling and reluctant voice. I know I was a coward and no matter how much I regret now, I can do nothing. I should have told her right then, I shouldn't have left. I shouldn't have!" Raj said and pulled his hair.

Amika sat beside him and threw her arm across his lean shoulders.

"After a few days, my mobile buzzed with her message. God, I was damn happy. All the excitement came back to me. What could be better, I thought and opened the message to expect her sorry or swear words or anger or anything, but from her. But instead, she'd sent me a heart breaking news, she was leaving, she was leaving all of us and going to Bangalore. I was just getting out of that shock when my mother suddenly informed me about the accident on the road that led to the railway station.

Air left my lungs, my heart skipped a beat as it was the local bus that had met with that accident, and at that time local buses were preferred to reach railway station. I couldn't bare the thought of losing her, my angel. I rushed to Amika I remember. We both headed to the spot.

How hard I was wishing that she shouldn't have boarded the bus, but the worst had to fall in my plate. I remember... She.. Her body..."  He stopped suddenly and stammered. His body shivered.

I bent down, it was enough "You don't have to say any further," I said.

But he anyway did - "Her purse was lying on the top of her head, her face was smashed red. I couldn't even find my angel's twinkling eyes, her innocent smile, everything was gone."  He closed his eyes, surprisingly he had stopped sobbing. What made him so strong suddenly? I wondered.

"Her stiff cold body was lying on that hard ground. I hugged her, with no intention of ever leaving her. I murmured my apologies, my words, my requests, my pleadings, everything reached her ears but not her heart. God! How could he be so cruel." He finally finished.

I analyzed whatever he had said. Something struck my mind, even Raj accepted that they hadn't seen her face, they must have eventually disposed her body by rituals, no blood test or DNA test must have been done. Could her life be a possibility? I thought.

My tongue did my work, "I have this kind of possibility here. No one saw her face, no one is pretty sure that it was she who had died, so.. Is this possible that..."

"She's alive?" Raj completed. "I think about this everyday, trust me it's the only thing that's keeping me alive."

Oh! So I wasn't the only smart one.

I released Rohit's hand after examining his normal expressions.
That's when he blurted out, "Ladies please, can you give us a moment?" He asked, surprisingly.

"Sure!" I and Amika said in unison.

We walked out.

"See it wasn't that bad!" I said alongwith my sigh.

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