The Unpleasant First Encounter!

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We both stood in front of a nine storey glass building. The big steel banner on the top of the building read - 'R & M Verma groups of Industries.'

The clock rung its bell for Nine 'O' clock, and Amika said - " Okay, that's the bell which announces the start of this day for the staff of this company. I need to hurry myself in, you are coming with me right!!?"

"Yes, but hey, we didn't discuss anything about how friendly is your boss to talk to surprise visitors like me!?" I asked, trying hard to keep up to her speed.

"Oh! I wished you hadn't asked that question. I don't want to scare you right now, so I'll keep the secret to myself. Now best of luck. It's the third door to the right, boss' arrival is expected in ten minutes. Bye!" Amika said and left for her desk.

I was nervous by then. A successful young industrialist would never expect a writer to come up to his office, uninvited, and ask for details about his past. Oh! And also inform him about the death of his beloved sister.

I opened the door to which Amika had guided me. It wasn't locked. I went in and took a seat on a crisp black sofa. I bit my nails as nervousness surged in me and kept a track of time by glancing at my watch, periodically.

I could hear tapping of shoes approaching the room. It had to be him, Rohit Verma. I calmed myself and closed my eyes. The door opened with a squeaky noise and I opened my eyes.

A masculine shaped, tall and bright eyed man, entered the room. He was perfectly fitted in his black suit and blue shirt, his face seemed as though the dull man hadn't smiled for centuries but his features were indeed flattering!

"Yes!?" Rohit asked in a husky tone.

I gathered myself and rose to acknowledge his presence. I had to reply but I couldn't find anything to speak.

"Who are you miss?" He asked and stared at me for an answer.

"Hi, I am Mira." I uttered.

"And am I supposed to know you!?" He asked, his irritation due to my incapability of expressing myself was clearly poured in his sour tone.

"Okay, I am Mira, you aren't supposed to know me if you don't read the newspapers. But if you do read them, then you might have heard about me. I am a writer." I said.

"Oh! And can you please tell me why do I need a writer in my cabin. I don't think you were expected here at this moment, miss."

He insisted on calling me 'miss' even though he knew my name. I was starting to get irritated by then. He was very rude.

"No I am not invited. Actually Amika, the receptionist, is my friend. I needed to have a talk with you, a serious talk right away." I said firmly.

"I don't think we've both ever showed our faces to each other before today's pleasant, unexpected and by the way unauthorized meeting. So I don't think you should have anything to talk me. And secondly, people wait for hours to have a small conversation with me and I don't think you are privileged enough to not go through that phase." He said and directed me to the door of the room.

I was heating red by then. "Excuse me, Mr. Rohit Verma. I am not your worker to follow your rules. And what I have to tell you is far more different as well as important than what those people out there have to talk to you. So you better get me privelidged!" I said and smirked at him.

"Okay! Let's see, what does the matter in your speech contain!?" He asked. I grabbed the irony from his speech and reverted the rude conversation towards him.

"It contains personal stuff, related to someone you don't seem to have met since childhood." I said.

His stretched expressions were replaced by anxious and pained ones. "I only talk professional, not personal. So miss, you better lead your way away from my personal life." He said.

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