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Megha's POV:

The metal of my wheelchair felt weirdly cold. I untouched it and rubbed my palms against each other. That's when I felt a push, "Ready?" Bhaiya asked.

I breathed in, adjusted my clothing over my thigh and nodded. I didn't want him to catch the sight of my missing leg even before he saw me.

My heart was pounding to its level best. I could hear it. I'd punished my love. I never even tried to talk to him, I believed in Amika more than I did in him.

Whereas he thought I was dead and in all these years, he never blamed me. Infact he had always wanted to meet me. Ugh... This wasn't good.

As we opened the door there was already a conversation going on. And like an ordinary intruder, I started with an - "Excuse me?"

Two heads spun towards me. Mira's and Raj's.

He held my gaze. Gently and forgivingly. He was half standing, he had a plaster on his leg and some bruises. My eyes welled up and I realised that Mira and bhaiya had left the room.

"You're he..... Here... Here with me... Are you? Is this....  am I?" Words fell out of his mouth as he was trying to gain back his senses.

I wheeled towards him. Eventually he silenced himself and sat on his bed.

I moved closer. He had aged, there were wrinkles on his perfectly smooth face, bruises near his beautiful eyes, a cut on his plum lip and a bandage tied through his brown wavy hair.

His hand was shaking, his lips couldn't form a smile. He was still surprised, so was I. I'd met him atlast, I realised I'd missed him.

I gradually slid my hand into his and locked it with my fingers. He was cold but his shivering stopped as soon as I held it.

"You're here!" He whispered.

"Yeah I am!" I managed to say in my cracking voice.

His other palm reached to cup my cheek.

"You're still beautiful. My angel!" He said.

I was overwhelmed. He wiped my tear off. His words made me feel as though I'd never lost those years without him.

"You're alive! You're breathing. Your heart in there, is still beating!" He murmured.

His eyes widened after every word. He was composing himself and slowly allowing his senses to sink into the reality of my existence all over again.

"Yes I am very much alive. I'm in front of you Raj. I'm all yours.!" I confessed.

Oh my God. What had I done to that guy of mine. I'd snatched away his humor, his will to live and the one he'd loved truly from his heart. I felt terrible, if it was in my hand I would have rewinded the whole scenario and made up to everything that I'd ruined myself.

His palm was still steady on my cheek but it slowly slid to my chin. He held it high on the tip of his curled index finger and furrowed his forehead lines.

"What's worrying you now?" He asked.

He still knew me well. He noticed each of my reactions and knew what was going through my mind.

"I'm sorry! I feel terrible. My heart weighs pounds of guilt. How could I not trust you? Why didn't I trust my heart? I punished you. You suffered hell because of me!" I blurted.

"You're totally right about that. But I can't blame you either. It wasn't your fault that you weren't ever familiar with the face of trust. You were always decieved. I won't deny that it was your fault for not trusting me. But it was again my fault to have fallen in that stupid trap." He confessed.

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