Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


Ever since Wade and I overcame the tension in the air between us, I finally became more comfortable when I was with him. One month later, the both of us had learned a lot about one another. Wade and I went from only knowing each other's names to knowing each other's hobbies and interests. We didn't exactly know every particular detail about one another, but personally, it seemed as if we were growing more fond of one another's company.

At the time, I could honestly say that although Wade and I definitely weren't best friends, we were also no longer people that couldn't look at each other without suddenly feeling uncomfortable. Throughout the entire month, my creative writing segment with Wade was much easier to participate in more eagerly and more effectively to give helpful tips and pointers for his writing pieces.

Although it seemed as if Wade didn't realize it back then, I was beginning to see improvement gradually making its progress onto his work. As our project continued on, I have to admit that Wade still wasn't entirely convinced that there was a chance he could improve by the end of the semester. But with a little perseverance, quite a lot of brainstorming, and fine polishing, by the beginning of April, Wade had finally come around and began to eventually know what his next goals were with his writing for the rest of the semester.

"Is it always this hard?" Wade sighed, dropping his pencil onto his notebook.

Wade and I were seated together at one of the tables in the library to try and get extra writing time during lunch. Whenever either one of us needed time to write, we'd both head to the library separately, only to find the other headed to the library as well. At first, it was only me between us that headed to the library during lunch, but one day, Wade happened to come upon me in the library after our class together and decided to join me ever since.

I giggled, glancing over at him in front of me. "What is?"

"I don't know, it's just hard to write out what you want to say on the paper," Wade admitted, as he shook his head. "I mean, I think I know how to write with some technique, but I don't exactly know how to write genuine feelings in my writing."

"That's alright; you just need to write like you really mean what you're saying. It's hard to explain, but don't worry, we can work on it through this semester," I reassuringly smile, closing my writing journal shut. "We can take a break for now."

Wade raised his eyebrows at me in amusement and I couldn't help but let out an unexpected laugh. Every time we had time for extra writing time together, the both of us took a short break once in a while to catch up with one another, which was the only time Wade and I were able to get to know one another without any peer pressure.

"Alright, so first question," Wade started, jokingly tapping the side of his jaw with his index finger. As I continued to eagerly await for his question, Wade's smile was beginning to slowly fade away.

I scrunches up my eyebrows in confusion, keeping my attention towards Wade. "Is there something wrong?"

"Aren't those your friends over there?" Wade asked, confusion laced in his voice.

As Wade subtly pointed somewhere behind me, I shifted in my seat to find Willow, Ellie, Rebecca, and Natalie eagerly watching through the library's glass walls, with teasing grins on their faces. I turned back to look at Wade and at the other entrance of the library were a few rowdy guys with the same wide grins that were on my friends' faces too. It was only when they started nudging each other with their elbows that I realized that those boys were Wade's friends.

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