Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


I was sitting at the end of one of the rectangular lunch tables in the school cafeteria with a bunch of rowdy people. The cafeteria was noisy as usual with it's endless chatter and racket, although I had no interest in talking to much of my peers today. It wasn't that I didn't like anybody here, I had other things going on in my mind which consumed almost all my thoughts. I had just gotten out of a tiresome and repetitive class, which was growing weary to attend every time.

I kept picking at my food with the flimsy fork I was given with my order because I lost my appetite, although my stomach was growling in hunger and I was starving just moments ago. All the students in the cafeteria at the moment were all gossiping and just being plain noisy, resulting in a jumbled up conversation throughout the entire room. Frankly, it was starting to irritate me, but for some other reason I couldn't discover, I wasn't in a good mood.

"Dude, did you see Veronica today? I can ask her if she wants to go out with you," my friend, Tyson, smirked as he subtly pointed towards some girl who I wasn't paying attention to.

One word you could've used to describe Tyson was that he was a flirt. He was genuinely liked by everyone, and everyone is friends with him. Although sometimes he was rude, Tyson could be a good friend. To be fair, I didn't exactly know how his attitude suddenly blossomed into someone who could care less about anything. He hooked up with every girl that wanted to date him, except he never considered the fact to date.

Tyson had little flings which amused him, and even the girls he hooked up with were fine with that. I'm assuming the only reason why all those girls agreed to Tyson, but we all knew that they maybe wanted to say that they "dated" Tyson, and that it was definitely a one-timer. I wouldn't be that surprised if Tyson told me he had a new girl, when he just went out with someone else a week ago. Tyson moved on from girls quickly, but personally, I would've thought he would grow tired of skipping from one girl to another.

I wasn't in the mood to play these games with him right now. "Shut up, Tyson," I grumbled, while I stabbed my poutine. The edges of the plastic fork I was grasping was hitting the bottom of the cardboard of the container that held my poutine.

"You look like you're gonna murder somebody," my friend, Austin, laughed and shook his head.

Austin, on the other hand, was described by everyone as a ladies' man. He wasn't a flirt, but he knew exactly how to treat a girl. Austin would be the kind of boyfriend that every girl would be definitely jealous of his girlfriend; he would cheer his girlfriend on at her pep rallies and would give her everything she ever wanted. Austin was the kind of guy that every girl wanted to date, and the whispers of envy from the girls in the hallway proved my statement true.

His girlfriend had everything from him and she knew it, but he unfortunately broke up with his old girlfriend recently because she dumped Austin after he saw her and some other guy on a date together. They had been dating for a while and he loved her a lot too, so it was definitely hard for him to take the news. He never played around with a girl, and at least with what I've heard, it made some girls keep a eye out for him just in case he changed his mind on dating.

I stifled a laugh and tried to focus on my lunch, until my other friend, Parker, spoke up.

"What are you doing after school, Wade?" He curiously questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I kept talking in class, so I got a ton of extra homework."

"Today," Tyson started, after taking a sip from his energy juice. "I was going to go out with-"

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