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"Nina, you got to get up," my mom cooed over me.

I was lying in bed half-awake, partly gazing at her deep dark blue eyes and partly forcing the darkness of my eyelids to stay open.

Her complexion was the same as mine and her deep dimples accompanied her gorgeous smile and pearly white teeth, along with her perfectly shaped cheek bones. There was no denying when people said we looked alike. It was either being told we were twin sisters or a year apart. Of course, the younger my mother appeared to be, the happier it made her feel.

She had this addiction or obsession for purchasing certain clothes, particularly high name brand things such as Michael Kors, Armani, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and etc. She always told me that they made her feel important. My thought was that she just wanted to wear expensive things around town. Who wouldn't? It was funny because I hardly owned anything of that sort. Maybe a few Michael Kors here and there which were basically my bags, and probably one Armani dress and that was basically it. I didn't particularly have a job, so I didn't receive that kind of stuff whenever I felt the need. Then again, even if my mom was to ask, I would have most likely have told her no.

I didn't like it when people bought things for me and understanding that it sounds silly coming from someone's daughter. It's human nature for the parent to provide for their child, but I wasn't like any normal child.

My Armani dress and few Kors bags were strictly gifts from my mom on special occasions like Christmas or my birthday. I never asked her for anything like that on a whim, even when I full well knew that she had more than enough money for it.

That just wasn't me.

I groaned and sat up in bed. She smiled at me, acknowledging the fact that I really was not a morning person, yet I still had to get up for school. If I could take it all online, I'd be completely content with that.

I was a junior, and school had just gotten back into session after winter break. I hated everyone there and everything that was involved with Westen High. It was almost depressing that I would have to be graduating from there next year. If I could move and switch schools, I totally would.

"Come on Nina, breakfast is ready in the kitchen. Pancakes, eggs, and links. Get up, girl."

I smirked, her long caramel brown hair sat loosely curled upon her shoulders.

"Thanks, be there in about forty." She winked and departed from my bedroom, her sweet smelling Chanel perfume lingering by my side.

I stood up from the bed and wiped the morning crust from my eyes, slowly making my way into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and took a nice warm shower.

How I love this part of the morning.

The steam from my shower fogged up my mirror, eventually blurring out my face.

I exited my bathroom and entered my walk-in closet. I wasn't the type to dress up neither. I was probably just as basic and average as it gets. I didn't even like to wear make up out of all things, and that was something most girls did not pass up.

I decided on a loose gray spaghetti strap tank top, tight fitted Nike leggings that stopped right after my knees, and silver strapped Charlotte Rouse flip flops onto my size five feet. I pulled my hair into a ponytail leaving a strip of hair out on each side. I then grabbed my black Guess book bag and placed my usual extra necessities inside — Rose Gold 6s plus, Coach wallet, hand sanitizer, keys, headphones, etc.

I flicked off my bedroom light and closed the door. Almost immediately, the promising smell of my mother's cooking greeted me.

"Wow, it smells like you threw down this morning, girl." I said, walking into the kitchen and fixing my plate.

Nina Where stories live. Discover now