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School was finally out for the weekend. I walked out alone with the rest of the kids who were talking and laughing with their friends. Guess you could say I was a loner. I was known around school but chose not to speak. The people you are friends with in high school ain't gonna be there five years later down the road.

I learned that lesson when I was about twelve years old and in the sixth grade. I was cool with a few girls then, always eating lunch together, having sleepovers, and everything else young girls do around that age. One day, it all changed. I was no longer eating with them and they no longer asked to come spend the night over my house. It was then that I knew they were jealous of me when their mom's found out about my mother's occupation.

Oh Nina's rich and never bothered to give us any money? Why does she keep it all to herself?

You would think that was super petty to quit being friends with someone, right? Well that's exactly how I felt. Til that day, I knew females and I were not the type to get along, maybe get along easily. Who was I to know? I was fine with Lucas and Caden in my life.

They were the kind of people who attended every function I had and out of all things, my mother loved them. That was a major plus.

I held onto my bag and walked through the crowded parking lot. I just really wanted to go home, take a nice long nap, and stay up all night.. or at least try to. My mom told me she'd be working late again tonight, so most likely I'll be asleep early anyway.

I chirped my car and got inside. Before I could close my door back, Chad mysteriously appeared and I punched him in the face.

I didn't understand why he found the audacity to sneak up on me like that, and at my school! Who did he think he was?!

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry." I said, realizing that it was him. He chuckled, while holding the left side of his face. It was slightly raised and I could tell that it would leave a bruising.

"It's alright, it's alright. Dang girl, female Mayweather? Geez."

He sneaking up on me and not expecting to get hit. I do not play that.

"Boy, you better watch out next time." I warned, wiping my forehead. More where that came from.

He smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah, I wouldn't blame you. At least you can handle yourself."

I forced a smile but tried to determine if I should feel offended or flattered by his statement. He leaned onto the car at a reasonable distance from me.

He was dressed in a mud green elbow length shirt, dark jeans, and Jordan Premio Bin 23s. I owned almost all of the shoes Jordan created, but not those. They weren't all that appealing to me.

"So, what is it? I'm trying to get home, man." I asked bluntly, starting my car.

I really did not have time to chit chat. I wasn't even talking to the other kids that passed by, so why would I speak to him?

"I was trying to call you earlier to ask you if you'd like to come to dinner with me and your mother tonight. She wanted to know and gave me your number yesterday at work." He explained.

I then remembered that there was an unknown number repeatedly calling me all day, but I kept ignoring it. I guess it must have been Chad.

Why would my mom give my number to this guy that I barely even know? Why couldn't she just call and ask me herself?

Something isn't sitting right with me, man.

"Oh no thank you," I spoke up. "You two have a good time."

"Are you sure, Nina? I mean you don't have to pay. I'm handling everything." I shook my head and grabbed my car door.

"Even if I had to pay, I'd be just fine. I have my own money. But again, no thanks."

Chad stood up and smiled again. "Okay, well be safe at home." he began to walk away before I spoke up again.

"Hey Chad," he turned around with his hands clasped together.

"Yes, Nina?"

"My mom could have called me herself and if y'all work together, why aren't you at work right now?"

I always thought logically. Feel like people don't think that way nowadays.

He chuckled as if what I said was amusing.

"We have different break times. I break before she does. And to answer your first statement, she wanted us to bond. Get to know each other a little, you know? But, I just wanted to know about dinner, no worries. And, nice car." I nodded my head.

"K, thanks.." he nodded his head and disappeared into the crowd. I closed and locked my door and began my drive home, maneuvering through a crowd of kids.

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Instagram: neiarenee
Twitter: taneiartxo

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