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Three weeks later and our new place was still incomplete. Unfortunately, that called for us to stay in the same hotel. I've never stayed in a hotel for almost a month before in my life. It just seems unreal. But whatever Chad is doing to the house, it better be worth it.

We've been staying here long enough and frankly Dee is beginning to hate it. He keeps complaining that there isn't enough space to maneuver through and I don't blame him. He wants me to move in with him until everything is ready, but I haven't even met his parents yet, so I'm little skeptical about it.

If never met a guy's parents before.. There's just this thought in the back of my mind that's just wondering if it would be a good idea. Well I guess it would have to be a good idea if Deondre and I ever planned on getting married. Then I'd have a mother-in-law, another authority figure to want to "give me the best."

But I'd be grown by then anyway, so if I chose to "disobey" her, I'd be in the clear.. Why was I thinking about all of this anyway? Marriage is way down the line.

Dee and I lied in bed under the covers all snuggled up with each other. 1:46 PM. We didn't have anything planned on our schedule today so we just freshened up and got back in the bed.

It was rare that we had one of these because he was either showing me around New Orleans or just felt like taking me out somewhere to show me off to his boys. You better believe I loved that part.

Mom and Chad were spending their day out together somewhere downtown and Lucas and Caden were meeting up with some girls they met here when we first landed. I don't know what happened to the girl Caden had called me early in the morning about, but as soon as we touched down in New Orleans, he sung a whole different tune. Lucas on the other hand never mentioned anything about girls. He was the type to smash and pass and I told him about that.

Women had feelings. Some would be really good to you; want to check on you when you're sick, stick by your side through it all you know, and yes, some were just raised without any home training; not caring what time you came home, who you were entertaining and that sort of thing.

When it came to me, Deondre knew better. I wish he would bring another female into this, I will be burying both of their bodies and make sure their mothers knew that I was the one who made it happen. Dee thought I was crazy when I first told him that.. Okay, try me if you want to.

"I need to ask you something Nina, and I'm pretty sure you know where I'm going with this." Dee began, snapping me out of my crazy girlfriend thoughts.

I looked up at him. His eyes were holding mine, seeming like they were staring right through me.

"What is it?" I asked curiously. He had a straight face, not an inch of a smile crossed his lips. I didn't know what to think, but if he was asking me if he could go out tonight that was going to be a no. I did not want to be by myself.

"I want you to meet my family." I looked away from him, nervosa already settling in. Why did we have to bring up this conversation?

"Nina, you have to. This is not going to work, living in this cramped room for who knows how long. I keep going back and forth to the house bringing new clothes and everything, wasting up my gas. I'd feel so much better if my woman was holding it down with me. If you don't want to stay at my crib, I could easily get us our own, baby girl. I'm with yo folks every second of the day."

What Dee was saying made sense but I was more worried about being rejected by his parents than anything else. Moving in with him, okay that was fine, but if I wanted to be with him for as long as we hoped, I needed his parents to like me.

Nina Where stories live. Discover now