My Own Personal Sun [A Jacob Black Story} {Part 6}

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            Jacob didn’t call the next day, or the day after that. He never showed up, and I paced around the house, anxious.

            There was no word from him the next three days, either; when a week had passed, I’d lost all signs of hope of him ever calling or making contact with me.

            Did I really make him that upset? I mean, if he didn’t like me that way, all he had to do was tell me; I’d rather know than be given the silent treatment, and completely ignored.

            It hurt to not have him around; even through my darkest times, he had been here. But now that I was getting better, his absence seemed to be slowing down my progress. Each day, I sat beside the phone, too nervous and upset to eat anything; I just chugged water, only getting up to go pee.

            I missed him, and I wanted to see him, talk to him, hug him. I’d rather be just friends with him than not be anything with him at all; If only I could talk to him, and tell him these things.

            Then, I hatched a plan, in my mind; if he didn’t speak to me in five more days, I would go to him. I would force him to talk to me, whether he liked it or not.


            Five days passed with no interaction from Jacob at all.

            With fire burning through my veins, I grabbed the keys to Kyle’s car; I drove to La Push, pushing the speed limit by at least twenty miles per hour.

            I was pumping myself up the whole way there, giving myself a quick talking to. It fuelled my anger at him, storming up a whole barrage of questions I wanted to be answered.

            I pulled up to his house, storming over to the door; I knocked on it twice, loudly.

            It swung open, revealing Billy. We’d met a couple times, and he seemed to be a nice fellow.

            “Hey there, Summer. Been a while since I’ve seen you around.”

            I narrowed my eyes, trying not to lose my drive of anger. “Is Jacob here?”

            Billy’s eyebrows pulled together. “He’s out, right now, actually…”

            Shit. I hadn’t expected him to be gone. “When he comes back, can you send him to the beach? I’ll be waiting.” With that, I turned on my heel, walking back to the car, and drove the beach; I walked across the slippery rocks, sitting on a piece of bone-like driftwood, my mind racing.

            I waited for Jacob, trying to imagine what would happen when he showed up.

            So, of course, when he actually did show up, it didn’t go as planned.

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