My Own Personal Sun [A Jacob Black Story] {Part 14}

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            Early the next morning, we were at the field once again, waiting on the wolves. Everyone’s attention was aimed at Alice, mostly; she was the one who knew exactly when the vampire army was about to show up, so we were waiting on her.

            I didn’t really know any of the plans, but I knew that me and Bella were sticking together, and that Edward was coming along; irritation flooded my head when I realized how Edward was willing to do anything for Bella, but Jacob wasn’t willing to do anything for me—then again, we weren’t dating anymore, since the fight…

            “The wolves are here.” I heard Alice call, her voice like the tinkling of light bells.

            My eyes flashed up to the dark trees, watching as giant wolves loped into view; Jacob, however, was in his human form, his eyes not glancing away from my face. Annoyed, I refused to look his way; he walked over to where Edward, Bella, Alice and I were standing, his arms crossed across his bare chest.

            “Ready?” He said, his voice thick and deep; it displayed no emotion.

            Edward nodded. “I’ll take the long way around the mountain.” He shrugged. “Like ten, maybe twenty minutes, tops.”

            Jacob nodded, then glanced to me. “C’mon, Summer.”

            My shoulders stiffened. “Me first?” I asked, my eyes wide but blank.

            Jake shrugged, his head rolling to look at the trees—and when he did, I saw the flash of hurt on his face—and then back to me, the mask returned. “Whatever you want.” Then, his eyes flashed to Bella. “You ready?”

            Bella nodded, as Jacob walked over to her, picking her up. “Will Edward be there by the time we will?”

            His response was a quick nod.

            Bella let out a heavy breath. “Alright. Let’s go.” Then, her eyes were on the Cullen family, not losing them until the trees began to block the way.

            I sat down in the wet grass where the snowflakes were beginning to land, not melting. “Fucking Jacob,” I hissed, “Why does he have to be the one to carry me up there? Can’t a different werewolf do it?”

            Suddenly, Alice and Jasper were standing near me, a couple steps away.

            “Summer?” Alice asked, her voice tinkling. “Is there a problem?”

            Immediately, I broke down, letting all my thoughts gush out of my head. “Jacob and I got into a fight yesterday, and now we’re not together, and then he freaked out and left me—and now he’s acting like a douche and I want to punch a baby.”

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