My Own Personal Sun [A Jacob Black Story] {Part 18 - FINAL CHAPTER}

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            I was sitting on the back of the big russet wolf, the wind whipping at my hair, giving me a big chill; the speed Jacob was running at made me hang on for dear life; my arms were sprawled across his back, my legs trying to find something to grip.

            “Fuck, Jacob!” I hissed. “We gotta hurry, come on!

            The wolf’s big brown eyes rolled, and his big tongue flashed out as he gave me an annoyed look; I grinned down at him as his speed began to slow; eventually, his saunter slowed to a walk.

            I sat up, patting my windblown hair—which was everywhere. “Great. Thanks, Jake. Now I look like a pile of shit.”

            It had been two weeks since that horrifying night that the vampires attacked; I still had nightmares about it. I was most relieved that Jacob was okay, though; he had healed quickly, and didn’t seem bothered mentally about it at all. Ever since then, though, we’d only grown closer, which didn’t really seem possible…

            The wolf snorted, nodding it’s head towards the clearing of the forest—beyond it, there was a ditch, a dirt road, and then a small building.

            “That’s it?” I asked; it nodded. I hopped off of the wolf, grinning, as I patted its neck. “Okay. Now, hurry! We’re not supposed to be late for this.”

            I ran off, jumping over the ditch, holding my heels in my hand; the wolf made a coughing sound in reply, and then sped back into the trees. I picked up speed, trying to not let the gravel stabbing my feet bother me as I sped over the road, across the paved parking lot, and into the little building.

            Still running full speed, I dodged several people, then caught myself on the staircase; I took the steps two at a time, my chest heaving heavily as my breathing sped.

            Flying up the staircase, I sped through the long hallway at the top, ripping to the last door on the right, flinging it open, stopping suddenly.

            “Summer! Where the hell have you been?!”


             I flinched, trying to pat down my hair; it was still poofy from the quick ride over here.

            Emily’s face was suddenly in front of mine; her eyebrows were arched angrily. “And where the hell is fucking Jacob?” She hissed. “Embry said he hasn’t showed yet, and I’m assuming that has to do with you, and—” suddenly, she froze, her eyes narrowing. “Your hair. It’s…messy.

            I made  face. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

            “You forgot!?

            I tried my best to lie, a shocked expression flashing onto my face. “What? No, Em. I wouldn’t forget this.”

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