My Own Personal Sun [A Jacob Black Story] {Part 15}

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            Shivering, I shook my head; I blinked, trying to get rid of the blurriness blinding me. Slowly, it faded, and I glanced around, realizing I was alone in the tent. I tried to stand, attempting to not fall over; I was wobbly and shaky—probably because I was so friggin’ cold—and made my way out of the tent.

            My breath was visible in the air; it gushed out of me in short, white bursts, like smoke out of a chimney.

            Immediately, my eyes flashed over to the only other body in the small snow covered clearing—it was an unfamiliar wolf.

            It was much smaller than Jacob’s wolf body, but was still quite burly and tall. It had sandy fur, and a small black nose; it’s dark brown eyes—much darker than Jacob’s—were watching me carefully.

            I still wasn’t used to the entire ‘giant wolf’ thing—but I tried to play it cool, hoping my heartbeat wouldn’t give me away.

            “Sup.” I tossed his way, giving him a small nod.

            Shit—that was way too gangster for me.

            The wolf snorted—it sounded like he was laughing; his teeth flashed. This expression would be menacing if his tongue weren’t sticking out; my Jacob wolf had given me this look many times.

            I crossed my arms, frowning a little. “Don’t laugh at me!” I smiled. “Do you know where Jacob is?”

            The wolf nodded, then tilted his head to the forest.

            Sighing, I muttered, “He’s gone, isn’t he?”

            The sandy wolf nodded again.

            I shivered again, my heart dropping a little with disappointment; I had really been hoping he wouldn’t have left—or at least said goodbye before he did.

            “Do you know where Edward and Bella are?”

            The wolf nodded, tilting his head towards the opening to another clearing—and then gave me a warning glance.

            I made a face. “Are they…yunno…getting cozy?”

            The wolf snorted, laughing, and nodded again.

            I stuck my tongue out. “Thanks for warning me.”

            He nodded, then laid back down, resting his head on his paws; I went back to the tent in search of another layer of clothing—I was fucking cold.

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