My Own Personal Sun [A Jacob Black Story] {Part 16}

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            Everything seemed to be moving way too fast. Too fast for my weak little eyes to catch; too fast for me to understand.

            Victoria said some things—her voice haunted me, like she was whispering in my ear specifically; chills ran down my spine.

            Then, suddenly, Jacob wasn’t beside me. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t look up; when a giant wolf landed down on the ground a few feet head of me, my heart sighed with relief—but I was still terrified.

            And then, everything seemed to speed up even further, faster than before, which seemed impossible.

            “Seth, Jacob, go!” Edward yelled.

            Seth jumped forwards, to the man standing behind Victoria, sliding down and knocking him off his feet, nipping at him and then finally sinking his jaws into his arm, sending it flying across the clearing. Jacob growled loudly, making my heart stutter, and then leapt towards Victoria, who was staring in horror at the man she had brought. Jacob hit her—it sounded like a boulder being hit by another boulder—and she let out a terrible scream.

            I was sent flying, for some reason; I realized after I was set down on the ground that Edward had moved both me and Bella, placing us beside the rock cliff, further away from all of the action.

            “Victoria!” The strange man—who I assumed was a vampire—screeched; it hurt my ears. “Victoria, help me! Victoria!”

            The redhead flashed him an annoyed glare, then grabbed Jacob’s tail swinging him around across the clearing; he hit a tree.

            “No! Stop! Jacob!” I screamed, the breath knocked out of me.

            The russet wolf jumped back up, flashing me a strange look—like he was trying to reassure me—and then ran towards Victoria again.

            “Victoria!” The man screamed as Seth tore him apart piece by piece.

            Edward, who had been standing by me and Bella, suddenly tore away from us, his eyes locked on Victoria.

            “Jacob! Switch!” he hollered, running towards Victoria. Jacob backed away, running full speed towards me and Bella, his eyes not leaving my terrified face. Before he hit us, he skidded, leaning back on his left paw; he slowed to a halt, then flipped, crouching down into a defensive position over me and Bella.

            “Jake.” I whispered. “Are you okay?”

            The wolf glanced back at me, his face solemn; and then, his face broke out into my favourite goofy smile.

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