III - The Head Guard

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February 10th, 2016

Updated because I felt like it. :P

And because squigglesquirrel would murder me if I didn't. :')


Chapter Three

Seline took the tray back to the kitchen, and it seemed that the only people left were the cook from earlier and a young boy that was finishing up washing the dishes. Everyone else must have retired for the night.

"Ah, Seline," the cook smiled.

"You know, it only occurred to me when I left that I never asked for your name," Seline smiled, walking over to the counter and standing on the opposite side from him.

He grinned. "I'm Aesger, and he's Kanute," he gestured to the boy who had just finished the dishes, and was now smiling shyly at Seline. "But everyone calls us Ace and Newt."

It was only then that she saw how similar they looked. They both had pale skin and blond hair with the same teal colored eyes. And, as she inhaled, she caught the scent of their blood and realized that they were the same blood type.

"Are you two related, by chance?"

Ace chuckled. "Yes, we are. We're brothers. Complete opposites, though."

They most certainly were. Newt was the quiet one, and Ace was the one that always had something to say.

She swallowed a little, her throat now dry. "Do you think I could get some water, guys?"

Ace nodded, and before he could react, Newt had already put a glass in front of her. Seline smiled softly at him, ignoring the pain of her throat. It felt like the inside of her throat had turned to sandpaper.

"So, Miss Seline," Ace said after she was finished taking a drink, leaning on the counter with a smirk on his face. "How did you end up as a servant for Loki Laufeyson?"

"Well... I was taken, I guess you could say. I don't believe I did anything wrong, but I somehow ended up in the dungeons. A completely different realm from my home," she explained.

"Where are you from?" Newt asked, those being the first words he had said to her.


Ace suddenly paled, and he looked back at Newt, who was now grinding his teeth in what seemed to be nervousness.

"What?" She asked.

"Do you know who you were with before you were knocked out?" Ace asked.

She hadn't told him that. She said nothing of being with anyone before coming here, or about being put unconscious.

"He said his name was Valneer," she stated.

"That's the head guard who brought you here," Ace said. He leaned a little closer, whispering, "you need to stay away from him."

"Why?" She asked. She already was trying to avoid him, but she needed to know why they seemed nervous.

"He has completely lost his mind, that's why," he says. "He watches people, somehow finds ways to get them here. He's the Asgardian version of a psychotic and paranoid stalker. With a bit of serial killer along with it."

"He kills the people he brings here?" she asked, her brow raising.

"Yes," Ace muttered.

"Why hasn't anyone stopped him?"

"He has the entire guard in the palm of his hand. They're terrified of him. If we do something even slightly suspicious, he comes up with some insane charge and has us executed before the king can question him."

"So you haven't stopped him because you're afraid of him?" She asked.

He nodded slowly. "Well, yes..."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, both of you," she said, smiling slightly. They both sent her pitied and slightly confused smiles as she left.

"Seline, my love!" Seline heard behind her, and she turned to look at him.

She narrowed her eyes at Valneer. "What do you want?"

He chuckled. "Is that a way to speak to the head guard?"

"It is when he kidnapped me from another realm and made me into a slave," she said, turning to keep walking.

"Don't talk to me like that," he growled, reaching out and grabbing her at the wrist. He shoved her up against the wall, his hand going around her neck and squeezing as she choked for breath. "You forget that I know what you are. What do you believe the other Asgardians will think when they find a monster lurking in the shadows?"

"Nothing," she wheezed out, feeling her eyes turn to their bright and bloody colour. "You're here, so they already have one," she growled, and saw his eyes widen in shock.

She kneed him in the gut, and he doubled over, his grip on her lacking. She took his moment to take him by the throat and throw him down the hallway as if he were a ragdoll being thrown by a temperamental child. He hit the wall, his body almost causing the stone to crack. She heard many of his bones shatter. Seline knew for sure that he had three broken ribs, his shoulder blade had fractured, and one of his kneecaps had shifted completely.

She walked up to him, her shoes echoing in the hallway and morphing with his loud groaning. He had also hit his head, so he may not have been able to speak well enough, let alone scream.

"You know, Valneer," she said, leaning down in front of him. "A vampire like myself has broken so many bones of the years that she should know the exact number. However, I seem to have forgotten," she said, reaching down to his left calf. "Let's count."

He groaned louder after the cracking sound continued with the pressure she applied to his lower leg.

"Now, I'm not really in the mood to kill anyone today, so I'll let your little indiscretions slide. However, if you ever come near me, or even attempt at bringing more slaves here, I will find you," she stated, looking him in the eyes and making sure he knew just how serious she was being. She grabbed his neck, making him lean closer to her. "And I will kill you."

She let him go and walked away, heading to Loki's chambers. She wanted to make sure that she wasn't gone too long. Masters hated that. They think that if you are going to complete a task, it should be done well and it should be done quickly.

She pushed open the double doors, shutting them behind her and seeing Loki standing near his bed. He was taking off his coat and armour.

"I assume you had something to eat or drink?" he asked.

She nodded. "Water. Is there anything else you need, my lord?" she asked.

He shook his head. "No. You have the rest of the night to do what you wish."

She walked into her quarters, glancing over at him and smirking a little as he turned his back to her and removed his tunic.

He certainly did have the body of a god.

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