LII - Everything You Love

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Merry Christmas. ;)

You scared?

You should be. >:)


Chapter Fifty-Two

When the news was spread throughout the tower that Seline was joining the Avengers, everyone seemed fairly pleased with the news. Especially Jordan, seeing how he was the one that had been telling her that it was a good idea to save people instead of just kind of lingering like the two of them had for centuries. He was extremely excited, and proved it by bringing what could have been the most expensive bottle of wine she had ever seen.

"Jesus, even I wouldn't spend that much," Tony mumbled after Jordan told him the cost.

Funny that he would say that, considering how he was throwing her a damn party.

"Why are we even throwing this thing anyway? I don't need a party," Seline insisted, watching unhappily while the workers all ran about the rather extravagant hall that Tony had rented out. They decorated as they went, taking food trays and different drinks between tables while hanging special lights from the walls.

"Yes you do," Jacob told her from beside her.

Seline turned to look at him, and saw that he was smiling. His smile was contagious, and she soon found herself fighting her own.

She crossed her arms over her chest, sighing softly. "You really didn't need to make it so... Fancy," she said, saying the last word with a slight amount of disgust.

She didn't like that type of thing. She could barely handle it in Asgard, and now she had to deal with it on Earth too. It was nice of Tony to put in so much work - or rather, pay for other people to work on it - but she felt awkward that he would do such a thing. Especially since he had disliked her only a few weeks before. Now he suddenly wanted her to be a part of his team? The team he was so very protective over ever since Loki stormed New York.

"You deserve this, Seline," Jordan said, grinning down at her.

He was usually unbearably sarcastic, so it was just plain strange to see him smiling genuinely at her. But pleasing, nonetheless.

"How is this, Miss Volkov?" one of the workers asked, holding up banner that said her name over the top of the door frame. His cheeks were tinted pink, and she almost smirked at the way he was blushing at her.

She felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist from behind, and placed her hands over the cold ones of Loki.

"It'll do nicely," Loki said, and she looked back at him to see a rather dark and possessive look in his eyes.

The worker's eyes widened a little, and he finished hanging the banner before scurrying out of the room.

Seline turned and swatted his chest. "You terrified the poor man!"

Loki just smirked.

Jordan snickered from behind the bar, looking over at Jacob and Tony. "I ship it like FedEx."

Seline narrowed her eyes, snatching a pen from one of the worker's clipboards and throwing it at him like a dart. It would have gone straight through his eye if he hadn't grabbed it out of mid air, smirking at his dear friend.

"Come on now, Seline! No need to be violent," he said smugly, throwing the pen from one hand to the other.

"I will not hesitate to throw you off the roof."

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