XVIII - Save You

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March 18th, 2016

So my friend JoJo, squigglesquirrel, just got some bad news. The Twenty One Pilots concert he was going to see in London, ON, got cancelled. I thought this might cheer him up a bit. :) Sorry, JoJo. :(


Chapter Eighteen

She didn't look at him. He wanted her to, but she didn't. She stayed in complete silence for a few seconds, then she finally spoke. And it wasn't the words he wanted to hear.

"It's been a long day, my lord," she stated, standing up beside him. "We should rest now."

"Seline, I need to know why you left," he stated calmly, yet a small amount of force showed in his voice.

"I cannot tell you that, my lord," she said.

His jaw clenched. "I really did not want to use this on you, Seline, but I am your Prince. You must answer my q-"

"But I will tell you this," she said, interrupting him from continuing.

He raised a brow, and nodded once as a sign for her to continue.

"I did it because I had to. Not because I wanted to."

"What in Odin's name does that mean?" he said, his voice suddenly rising. "Did someone threaten you?!"


"Did someone harm you?"

"No..." she whispered, looking down at her feet and biting her bottom lip.

After nearly a thousand years, she knew how to lie. She knew how to get away with things. She knew how to hide things. However, around her Prince, it seemed that the knowledge of those talents of hers all vanished.

"Did you harm someone?" he asked.

She stayed quiet, feeling her slow beating heart start to speed up ever so slightly.

"If you have, I don't care," he told her. "Come back to the castle. We will figure something out. Whatever the punishment for your wrongdoing, I can save you from it."

"No," she hissed, turning to walk past him. "You cannot save me, Loki. Not from this."

Not only was she a killer and had murdered the head guard, but she was a vampire. He could not save her from her sins, and he definitely couldn't save her from the urges she felt every time she was around him. And now, they were only getting stronger.

He reached out and grabbed her bicep, and he yanked her back to him. She was close to him, too close for her to be calm. Her breath was shallow, and so was his.

"I don't need a saviour, my lord," she said, her voice cracking ever so slightly.

He was still for a moment, before the corners of his lips turned upwards. "You most definitely do not."

"Let me go," she said calmly, but in a warning tone.

He didn't want to. Just from the expression on his face, she knew that. She didn't know why, but he was reluctant to remove his hand from her. But he did so eventually, and she backed away a few steps. She turned and walked to the tree line, but froze in her steps when she heard his voice.

"I have removed my hand from you, Seline," he called after her. "But that does not mean I have let you go for good."

She swallowed, then kept on walking.


She could see it. They were close to it, and she saw all of the other hunters looking to them with both confusion and excitement. While they were rushing to get to the camp that following morning, Seline found a part of her dreading it. She didn't want to go back to them. She didn't want to tell Gunna and Augustus what had happened. It seemed that Loki noticed.

"I know that you are nervous," he said, once he rode his horse so that the two animals were walking next to each other in sync. "But this is the right thing to do."

"Is it?" she asked, feeling the depression coming over her again as they reached the camp. "I must tell Augustus that his closest friends have died, and I have to tell Gunna that her older brother is dead along with her best friend... Not only that, but it was all my fault. What part of that is the right thing?"

"What happened that night was in no way your fault," Loki immediately said, shaking his head. The horses soon stopped at the camp, the hunters all rushing around and whispering to each other, asking why the guards were all here.

Seline swallowed, biting her bottom lip. She couldn't do this. She couldn't tell them this. Surely one of the guards could do it, couldn't they?

Loki dismounted his horse and walked over to hers, standing by her. "Seline, I know that you are frightened, but this is something that they need to learn of from their friends."

He held out a hand to her, and she looked down at it, unsure. Then she looked in him in the eyes.

He was not being the trickster god. Not now. In this moment, he wasn't a Prince. He was a supportive friend. At this point, her thoughts on him had only been confirmed. He was not the same man that had attacked New York.

And so she put her hand in his and dismounted the horse. He didn't let go, but surprisingly, she didn't want him to.

The hunters quickly bowed when they saw Loki. It seemed that they were so caught up in the guards that they didn't even realize Loki was there, and when they did, they were immediately embarrassed.

Gunna was the first one to run over to Seline, a wide grin on her face. "Seline!" she squealed, wrapping her arms around Seline and causing her to let out a sound of surprise. She sent Loki a soft smile and then hugged Gunna back. The smile faded when Gunna pulled back a little, a look of confusion taking away the happiness.

"What is wrong?" she asked, then looked behind Seline at the guards and at Prince Loki. "Where are Amond and Kayla?" she asked.

"What is wrong?" she asked, then looked behind Seline at the guards and at Prince Loki. "Where are Amond and Kayla?" she asked.

That was when Seline found that she was about to break down completely. "They..."

Gunna's eyebrows furrowed, and for a split second, the fear flashed in her eyes. She knew what had happened, but she wanted Seline to confirm it.

"They died, Gunna," she whispered.

Even though Seline's voice had been cracking and she had whispered it, everyone had been listening to her and they heard those three simple words.

"W-What?" Gunna said, disbelief flooding her face. That expression was soon replaced by pure agony.

Augustus had been frozen at that moment, then he blinked rapidly, and she could tell that he was trying to get rid of the tears that were suddenly forming in his eyes. He reached over and pulled a now shaking and close to sobbing Gunna in his arms. He hugged her tightly, and she broke down completely. They hugged each other tightly, and it got to the point where Seline had to blink away her own tears.

"I need to go," she quickly said, walking away as fast as she could. She heard someone say her name, but it was as if the voice was echoing in her ears.

She needed to be alone.  

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