XXX - Erico

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Hope you like it. ^_^


Chapter Thirty

They had both decided to go back inside and join in on the dancing. Loki had put his left hand on the small of Seline's back, his fingers moving to rest on her left hip and pull her closer to him while they walked in.

It wasn't long before Volstagg bounded over to them and managed to 'persuade' him into trying a new ale that had been brought to the castle the day before. Loki threw an insult his way, something close to "I'm busy, you bumbling idiot fool!". To which Volstagg completely ignored as he continued to drag him away. Loki sent her an apologetic look before he complied, and she couldn't help but laugh at Loki's distressed expression while he was being pulled towards one of the tables.

"Seline," she heard someone call her name, and she turned to one of the tables to see a familiar face that filled her with happiness and relief.

"Felman!" she said, her lips pulling up into a smile.

He set down his glass and pulled her into a hug. She returned it, but gently. It had been months since the attack, but she was still worried about him.

"Where have you been?" she asked him as they both pulled away.

"Everywhere," he said, a light coming into his eyes that she had never seen before. "After I healed, I was asked by the Allfather himself to become a guard for visiting nobles."

"I assume you're good at your job," she smirked.

"Fantastic, if I do say so myself," he grinned. "Oh, I don't know if you have seen him yet, but I believe Augustus arrived a little while ago. And it appears he and one of the cooks are getting along splendidly," he said, winking at Seline and nodding to the pair who were now dancing together.

Seline, in all honesty, wasn't very surprised to see that Augustus' partner was Ace. She had seen the way that he admired Loki from afar. She like Augustus and Ace together, too. It was nice to see them both equally happy, even if it was just for a night.

The people of Asgard were interesting. There was no prejudice there. People weren't afraid of being who they were, for no one seemed to judge them for it. If only Earth were the same way.

"Ah, Felman," Loki said, coming up to them with an oddly genuine smile. "It is nice to see you again."

"Likewise, my lord," Felman said, bowing. When he stood up straight, he looked to the Allfather, who was waving him over while sitting atop his throne. "Excuse me."

They both nodded to him, and he left.

A servant came up to stand by them, holding a tray with two wine glasses. Loki thanked him and took them both, handing one to Seline.

But Seline didn't drink at first. She continued to watch the servant, her eyes suddenly starting to narrow and her brow beginning to furrow. She knew something that he didn't.

He didn't take a drink either, he just waited for her to tell him exactly what was wrong.

In that moment, she could hear the servant's heartbeat. It was erratic, as if he was about to begin shaking in fear. And as she saw him go to stand by Valneer's brother Erico, she knew that something was very, very wrong. Her suspicions were confirmed when she heard Erico speak.

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