XII - Favor

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March 4th, 2016

This chapter shows how Loki always tends to think the worst of his father. I think of it as a very toxic relationship. Odin has given up on Loki, and Loki thinks of Odin as a traitor to him.

Wow... Way to over-analyze stuff, Heather.

Anyway, here you go. :)


Chapter Twelve

Seline spent the rest of the night with Ace and Newt, dancing and laughing and just having a generally good time.

She had caught Loki watching her for a moment a few times. He would turn away the second that she looked at him, and she would pretend that she hadn't seen him watching.

Thor left the next morning, and she could see that Loki wasn't sure how he felt about it. He didn't show it, but she could see a slight change in him. He had a difficult relationship with Thor, yes, but he did care about him. At least, enough to notice his absence. He missed him.

Seline was spending more and more time with Ariana, Ace, and Newt. Over the past few weeks, she even found herself telling them stories about what she had been doing with Loki. How they would spend stormy nights reading, and sometimes they would tell each other stories about their worlds. She even told them how they would sneak into the kitchen late at night every once in awhile so that Seline could make Loki some hot chocolate, which was now Loki's favourite thing ever. Ace was a little angry with her at that, and she had to keep annoying him in order to get him to speak to her again.

The only real worry that Seline had at this point was the hunger. It was getting worse. And the worst part is that, for some strange reason, Loki's scent appealed to her greatly. Out of everyone in the entire palace, his blood was what appealed to her the most.

And he was sleeping in the room right next to hers.

It was driving her insane. She didn't know why she was so against hurting him. He was her master, and she was his servant. She could change that with one single bite, and yet, she felt horrified at the thought of it.

She needed to leave Asgard. It didn't matter how, but she couldn't stay there.

Either that, or she could feed until she destroys them all.

She liked the first outcome more.

She sat up in the bed, throwing the sheets off of her. She dressed in something more casual. Black trousers and a dark green blouse, similar to her usual attire.

She snuck out of her room, and went to the doors that led out of Loki's chambers. However, she stopped and looked back at him. He was fast asleep, and he looked strangely... Vulnerable. Innocent, maybe. And that was enough to make her want to rip into his neck and take all of that innocence away.

She rushed out of the room, shutting the doors and leaning against them for a few seconds. She panted softly, her hands trembling.

She needed to leave. Or, at least, she needed to get a different job while she was in Asgard. She couldn't be around Loki, not anymore.

She kept walking down the hallway as quickly as she could. She needed to stay away from that room, just until she calmed down.

The one thing about her current situation that bothered her the most was Heimdall. Loki had told her that the gatekeeper sees all, so what if he had seen her kill Valneer? And if he had, then why wasn't he telling anyone who did it? Surely they would have come after her already if they knew.

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